Chapter 5

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Back at the construction, the cab began to break through some webs.
Little Girl: Look!
Swinging through the city were Spider-Man and Team Powerpuff, coming to the rescue.
Jennifer Dugan: He seems to have come out of nowhere to answer the prayers of the city, just when all hope seemed to be lost.
The team (sans Leni) got to M.J.'s cab.
Mary Jane: Peter? They're gonna kill us both.
Donatello: Don't worry. We're gonna get you out.
Lisa: Incoming!
Venom hit Spidey and the gang off the cab. As they got up, they made a horrifying discovery.
Venom: Hey, Parker.
Spider-Man: My God. Eddie?
Alvin: So that guy who used to give you trouble at the Daily Bugle?
Venom: Oh, my spider-sense is tingling. (grabs Mary Jane) If you know what we're talking about.
Blossom: We're?
Eggman and Mojo came down in their hovercraft.
Dr. Eggman: Nice to see you again, Team Powerpuff.
Sonic: Eggman!
The Girls: Mojo!
Dr. Eggman: Thanks to the symbiote, Eddie feels like a new man. He told us about it on the way.
Spider-Man leaped to attack, but Venom smacked him off and tied him to his web.
Spider-Man: We can find a way to settle this.
Venom: You're so right. I'm thinking... humiliation. Kinda like how you humiliated me. Do you remember? Do you remember what you did to me?
The web holding a cement brick truck was about to break apart.
Venom: You made me lose my girl. Now I'm gonna make you lose yours. How's that sound, tiger?
As Venom was about to kill him, Mary dropped a cement block on him and Spiderman punched Venom in the face which is making them fall of the web while fighting each other in the air. Venom swung off while Peter landed in the ground below. The web holding the cement brick truck broke and Mary got out of the cab before it could hit it.
Spider-man: Hold on, Mary Jane!
Suddenly, all the sand of the construction was forming a giant monstrous version of the Sandman.
Mojo Jojo: Behold, the giant Sandman!
Buttercup: We're coming, Mary Jane!
Spider-Man and the Girls flew up, but Venom hit them out. He then webbed the four up as the Sandman pounded on them.
Lincoln: Powerpuff Girls!
He was about to run to them, but he was blocked by Mojo's robot.
Mojo Jojo: Where do you think you're going, you smelly human.
Lincoln: To my friends!
The robot hit him hard, but Lincoln kept going despite the immense pain.
Jennifer Dugan: It's hard to believe what's happening. The brutality of it. I don't know how he can take any more.
Hal Fishman: This can be a tragic day for the people of New York. It could be the end of Spider-Man and Team Powerpuff.
As Sandman was about kill Spider-man, a pumpkin bomb exploded half of his sand head.
Kid: Awesome!
Kid 2: Wicked cool!
Coming into the battle were the New Goblin and Leni.
Leni: Leave my friends and siblings alone, you ugly thing!
She punched Venom, sending him flying through a cement wall. Harry and Leni got to the wounded five.
Peter: You came. (grabs Harry's hand and got up)
Harry: Looks like just in the nick of time.
Blossom: A couple of minutes wouldn't be so bad either.
Harry: What are you gonna do?
The seven were now facing the bad guys.
Peter: We may need some help over here.
Harry: I'm a little busy right now.
Venom was closing in on Peter.
Harry: Gimme your hand!
The six grabbed hands and fought off the bad guys. Peter kicked Venom, while Blossom hits Mojo's robot with her yoyo and Harry used his glider to burn the Sandman's arm and break it into glass pieces. While that was going on, J. Jonah Jameson was among those watching the fight.
J. Jonah Johnson: Parker! Parker, where... I need a photographer. (sees a girl) Hey, kid you wanna job?
Little Human Yesenia: Why would I want a job? I'm just a kid.
J. Jonah Johnson: All right. Who much for that camera?
Little Human Yesenia: One hundred bucks.
J. Jonah Johnson: A hundred bucks?! (gives her a hundred bucks) All right, you little prick. Here. (tries to take a picture, but the camera isn't working) What the....? (notices there's no film in the camera)
Little Human Yesenia: Film's extra.
Back at the fight, Peter grabbed Harry's hand and got him to avoid the Sandman's hand. The web holding the taxi cab was about to break.
Harry: Pete, watch out!
Mary Jane avoided the falling cab, but was now hanging for her dear life. She fell in the air.
Spider-Man: Mary Jane! This thing's got any more?!
Harry: Hang on!
Spider-Man: To what?!
Leni: Go get her, Spidey!
Spider-Man: Got her!
He jumped off, saved Mary Jane, and got her to safety.
Spider-Man: (to Mary Jane) You okay?
Mary Jane: Yeah.
Spider-Man: Good.
Lincoln: Hate to interrupt but would SOMEBODY HELP US?!
The others were having trouble with the Sandman. The Girls were busy with Mojo and Eggman, so Spidey tried to stop the big sand monster, but he got punched out. Harry, Lincoln, and Leni fired some missiles from the glider and took down the Sandman once and for all.
Blossom: Jousting Time Attack!
Bubbles: Lighting Bubbles!
Buttercup: Last Minute Smash!
With their powers combined, the Girls sent Mojo and Eggman flying.
Mojo and Eggman: We will return!!!
The heroes got back on the site.
Lincoln: We did it, guys! We defeated them!
Leni: That's great and all, Lincoln, but I think we forgot...
Lisa: (sees Venom on the ceiling) Venom!
Spider-Man: Huh?
Venom grabbed him from above, hit him through the site, and tangled him with his web. He then used a sharp metal pole to beat him up.
Venom: Never wound what you can't kill.
Bubbles: Eddie, you have to take that suit off!
Venom: Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you?
Spider-Man: I know what it feels like. It feels good. The power. Everything. But you'll lose yourself. Let it go.
Venom: I like being bad. It makes me happy.
He was about to impale the web-slinger when some pumpkin boomerangs took the metal pole off from his grasp. Harry was heading for the living symbiote, but Venom jumped out of the way and webbed Harry out of his glider, making him hit some poles. The sound of poles falling to the ground caused pain for the symbiote as it screeched in agony. Peter remembered how he got the symbiote off him. The sound waves were the only way to stop him. With the glider in his grasp, Venom was about to murder him, but Harry got in the way and the glider's blade impaled him.
Peter and the Gang: Harry!
Harry fell out of sight. Venom roared and leaped towards the gang. Peter, having released his left arm, webbed the metal blade and hit Venom with it. He then picked up two metal poles and hit them against each other, sending sound waves to the symbiote. Peter stuck them on the floor as the gang surrounded the monster with more metal poles. The web-slinging man used a pole to hit all of them, causing the symbiote to wither in pain. He webbed Eddie Brock and got him off the symbiote. The symbiote began to become a bigger entity.
Garfield: Oh, brother.
It was about to strike, but Theodore hit the metal pole with another.
Theodore: Shoo!
Peter summoned a pumpkin bomb from Harry's glider.
Eddie Brock: Peter, what are you doing?
He threw the pumpkin bomb at the symbiote.
Eddie Brock: No!
The desperate man tried to get onto the symbiote.
Peter: Eddie!
The bomb exploded, killing both the symbiote and Eddie. After the smoke cleared, Mary ran to a dying Harry.
Mary Jane: Harry.
Harry: Mary Jane.
Mary Jane: I'm gonna get help.
Harry: No. Stay.
She stayed with the wounded man. Peter dropped the metal pole.
Bubbles: I guess when power corrupts you, it takes your life.
The Sandman was still alive, in his normal form.
Sandman: I didn't want this. But I had no choice.
Peter: We always have a choice. You had a choice when you killed my uncle.
Sandman: My daughter was dying. I needed money. I was scared. I told your uncle all I wanted was the car.
A flashback showed what really happened that night.
Ben: (flashback) What is it?
Flint Marko: (flashback) I need your car.
Sandman: (voiceover) He said to me: "Why don't you just put down the gun and go home?" I realize now he was just trying to help me. Then I saw my partner running over with the cash, and the gun was in my hand.
His partner, Dennis Carradine, accidentally bumped into him, making him pull the trigger and kill Uncle Ben.
Dennis Carradine: (flashback) Get in!
The crook was by the dying man as his partner drove away.
Sandman: (voiceover) Did a terrible thing to you. I spent a lot of nights wishing I could take it back.
The flashback ends, and everyone, including Peter, was sad.
Leni: (sniffs) You poor man. You just wanted to save your daughter.
Lincoln: (tearfully) And we didn't know.
Lisa: Usually, I'm impervious to human emotions, but.... (sobs loudly)
Flint Marko: I'm not asking you to forgive me. I just want you to understand.
Peter: I've done terrible things too.
Flint Marko: (holding the locket) I didn't choose to be this. The only thing left to me now is my daughter.
Peter: I forgive you.
Lori: And we forgive you, Flint.
And just like that, the forgiven crook goes away in a sandstorm. Peter and the others went to Harry.
Peter: Hey, pal. How are you doing?
Harry: Been better.
Peter: We'll get you through this.
Harry: No.
Peter: I should never have hurt you... said those things.
Harry: None of that matters, Peter. You're my friend.
Peter: Best friend.
His friend died with his last breath. Peter, Mary, and the gang were grief-stricken. At the funeral, everyone close to Harry in his life put flowers on his coffin.
Narrator Peter: Whatever comes our way. Whatever battle we have raging inside us, we always have a choice. My friend Harry taught me that... He chose to be the best of himself. It's the choices that make us who we are, and we can always choose to do what's right.
At the jazz club, Mary Jane sang on stage.
Mary Jane: (sings) I'm through with love. I'll never fall again. Said adieu to love. Don't ever call again, For I must have you or no one, and so I'm through with love. I've locked my heart. I'll keep my feelings there. I have stocked my heart With icy frigid air. And I mean to care for no one...
She stopped singing when she saw Peter and his friends in the club. He held out his hand, and Mary Jane grabbed it. The two embraced each other in a hug, and the gang was happy from the sight.
Lincoln: You did good, Peter. You did good.
Peter: You too, guys.
The gang smiled warmly. They had been Spider-Man's allies since his beginning, and they see him as one of their greatest allies. Peter's luck was getting better now that he and Mary Jane reconciled. And so, Peter, Mary Jane, and the gang became the best of friends and lived happily ever after.

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