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A few days ago, a crew in ghostly white came to the construction site. They were taping around the perimeter of the site of the battle. One such worker was talking to his employer.
Mysterious Worker: And that's where it blew up. The symbiote disappeared, along with its owner. We couldn't find the remains of the original symbiote.
Employer: Then why did you call me?
Mysterious Worker: (holds up a small tube) We found this in its place.
The employer grabbed the tube and examined it. Inside was a moving red-and-black symbiote.
Employer: Just like the one that spawned it. It's an offspring.
Mysterious Worker: How can it do that?
Employer: Who knows? But whatever it is, it can do even better.
Mysterious Worker: What about Flint?
Employer: Forget him. They've forgiven him, and I can't have a forgiven crook working for me. It just gives people... ideas.
Mysterious Worker: But the symbiote's host? The photographer?
Employer: Edward Brock Jr.? He was never special to begin with. Yet he had such potential. Alright, keep it in the lab. Run some tests on it carefully. It might be more dangerous than the last.
Mysterious Worker: You got it, Melisha Tweedy. Just one last thing. Who would want to bond with this thing?
Mrs. Tweedy: Just an acquaintance of ours.
She was checking a specific file about a notorious criminal. The criminal's name was Cletus Kassidy, and he's been known for making such atrocious acts, such as murder and arson.
Mrs. Tweedy: If the father can't stop the spider, then his son will finish the job. Oh, how it can make such sweet carnage.
She devilishly grinned at the symbiote as it erratically moved in the tube. The Girls' amazing adventures with Spider-Man may be done, but their new foe has a trick up her sleeve.
            THE END

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