Chapter 5

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Mother Knows Best

Chapter Five


Having been the first to fall asleep, Draco was the first to rise. He took advantage of this naturally, eager to be the first one to shower, despite the fact that he'd already had one the night before, no more than nine hours ago. This was far from unusual, Draco would often bathe at night and then again the following morning. He hated the way his hair looked after getting out of bed, having absolutely no product in it. That problem should've been solved when the product was added, but it wasn't. It always ended up looking a bit disheveled and just not up to his usual standards. Well, to him at least. He also hated going to sleep feeling dirty, so this pattern seemed to work for him.

Opening his bed curtains, eyes still shut to ward off the sunlight pouring in from the windows on the opposite wall, the first thing he noticed was the three beds rowed in front of his. Or more precisely, the two beds that didn't have their curtains closed around them. Stepping out of his bed, he winced as his feet touched the cold wooden floors and found himself longing for the comfort of the heated floors back at the Manor. Or even carpeting, like his old private room had. Still half-asleep, he sluggishly moved closer into the walkway, keeping his line of sight on the beds with open curtains.

One of them was empty and looked like it hadn't been slept in. At first, he wondered if someone had already gotten up and left, but then remembered that two of his roommates were together and figured they were probably sharing a bed. Hoping in the back of his mind that living with this couple wouldn't cause any problems in the near future, his previously drooping eyelids became wide as he looked toward the other bed, seeing the half-naked body of Harry Potter.

The raven-haired boy was on his back, his head faced to the side and thankfully still asleep. Draco caught a relieved sigh before it could escape him, observing how restless Potter seemed. His brows were furrowed and his forehead looked a bit damp, like he'd been sweating. Sometime during the night, he must've kicked his blankets off because they were pooled on the floor below him, leaving only a white sheet wrapped around his legs and nothing covering his chest. Draco wondered if he was having a nightmare or if he was just a naturally restless sleeper.

That string-necklace thing was still wrapped around his neck and now that the boy didn't have a shirt on, Draco could see something metal hanging from the end of it, but couldn't tell what it was exactly. Draco wondered why he even wore the thing. It wasn't fashionable, if that was what the boy was going for.

Crossing one arm over his chest and brushing his bangs behind his ear with the other, Draco let his eyes trail down the boys lithely built chest, taking in the firm muscles of his abdomen as he breathed in and out, the dark line of hair trailing down and disappearing into the waistline of his pajama pants. He was thin in a way that suggested a fast metabolism, but bathing in the sunlight pouring in from the windows behind him, Draco could see every well-defined muscle, broad shoulders and chiseled features a preview of the man he was becoming. Draco was no expert when it came to athletics, never really finding any sport very useful aside from the exercise, but he would have to assume the raven was involved in some type of sport.

An undistinguishable mumble brought Draco's eyes back to the ravens face and Draco realized he was lingering, drinking in the sight as if on the brink of dehydration. Rolling his eyes at his own school-girl-with-a-crush behavior, he determinedly walked up to the bed and quickly swung its curtains closed. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Not quite.

Shaking out of his stupor, Draco gathered his school uniform and headed for a shower, wanting to leave before anyone woke up. Having not eaten the night before, he was surprised that he didn't feel very hungry, but just for the sake of keeping his energy up, he figured he should stop by the cafeteria and grab something before going to class.

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