Chapter 12

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Mother Knows Best

Chapter Twelve

Out and Proud

Back at the dorm room, Draco was too busy attempting to sort out his internal crisis to register who it was that just wouldn't stop knocking on the door. Politely at first, like whoever it was expected someone to answer immediately, then monotonous when they realized nobody was coming. Only when the insistent knocking finally ceased did he realize who it must have been; McGonnagal, obviously. But by that time, there was no point in answering since she was already gone, probably figuring they turned in early or some other bullshit excuse so she could go to bed and not have to go through the trouble of tracking them down. It was just as well, seeing as Draco was the only one there at the moment, for which he was thankful. Anyone else's presence would just be a distraction from his mental conflict at this point.

No more than two months ago, Draco had practically resigned himself to a life in the closet. He would've been perfectly discontent getting married, having kids, growing old and dying with some stupid female he could never be attracted to. Basically never coming out to anyone. He wouldn't have been happy by any means, but that seemed like a better option to him than being gay. Or at least it did two months ago. Now, coming out was starting to sound like it might actually be a good idea, when before, he considered the very thought to be insane.

It was Potter's fault. A childish thought, sure, but it was true. If it wasn't for Potter, none of this would've happened. In the few months that Draco had known him, the boy had changed everything, albeit indirectly. Strangely, Draco still couldn't bring himself to not like the boy. It sounded so cliche, even in his own head, but admitting he was gay -actually saying it out loud- had felt like an incredible weight off his shoulders, a welcomed relief.

He knew it was inevitable now; he would have to come out eventually. Long gone were his dreams of living out his life in the closet. He knew his mother would rather die than see that happen. That, however, wasn't necessary since he wasn't so opposed to the idea anymore. Maybe coming out really wouldn't be as bad as he'd thought. It wasn't very likely, however.

Draco had pretty much given up trying to be straight a year ago after that disaster with Pansy. It was impossible for him to turn straight and, apparently, girls seem to make a connection between emotions and any form of sex. Who knew letting the girl suck him off that one time would lead her to think that he actually liked her? It was stupid and inconsiderate on Draco's part to think that she wouldn't, but he was desperately trying to 'cure' his homosexuality at the time. Needless to say, it didn't work and only served to assure himself that he was, in fact, a complete homo. He knew it was wrong to use her the way he had, and he was facing the aftermath now because of it, but he was sort of looking forward to seeing her reaction when and if he comes out.

The only thing that was keeping him from doing so was his father, wherein lies the problem. He wasn't sure he could do it. The consequences of coming out to his father were both unknown and terrifying. There was so much the man could do to make him regret his decision if he did. Aside from a select few, everybody else's opinion couldn't matter less to him.

Other than that, which was on the forefront in his mind, he was ashamed to find that there was something else bothering him.

In the several years Draco had spent at Hogwarts Academy, Merlin had slowly become something of a home to him. More so even than Malfoy Manor, which had always seemed cold in comparison. If Riddle did become mayor, there was no telling what he would do to Merlin.

The whole thing was suspicious. Narcissa had said that Riddle was paying Lucius and many others an 'obscene amount of money' to do his bidding, so the question was, where did Riddle manage to get all of this money? Draco didn't know how much the average chief of police earned, but it surely couldn't be enough to pay what his father usually demands, much less whatever the 'many others' were being paid. It reeked of illegitimacy.

𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora