Chapter 23

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Harry took his teasing Draco a bit too far. Zach demonstrated just how manipulative he could be after hatching a plan to make Harry miss the dance- then threw him a party. Later, after Zach called off his and Draco's agreement, Seamus convinced a miserable Draco that stealing someone's boyfriend was a good idea.


Mother Knows Best

Chapter Twenty-Three

Saccharine Saboteur


Christmas Eve had finally arrived, luring the students away from Hogwarts like the Pied Piper on a double-dose of Adderall. Seamus and Dean were the last to leave dorm room number sixty-six, and Harry tried to ignore their packing by focusing on the present Zach had told him not to unwrap until the next day. He wished he would've listened. It was an extravagant gift and more complicated than a phone should have any right to be.

"… lonely?"

Harry blinked up at the boy looking down at him from over the backrest of the sofa. "What?"

Seamus humphed at his inattention. "I said, are you sure you want to stay at school? You won't get lonely?"

"I'll be fine," Harry told him, brushing off his roommate's concern. It would've been more convincing if he wasn't humming 'Blue Christmas.'

"Because we don't have to leave today. We can stay until Sirius gets back."

Sirius had received a call from a friend who said they'd seen Peter sleeping on a park bench a town over. Being the caring friends that they were, he and Remus went out to look for him. Despite sleeping on a park bench being cliché as all get out, Harry understood that they didn't want their childhood friend to be alone and on the streets, especially during Christmas, and they promised to be back before tomorrow. Besides, on the slimmest chance that they actually did manage to find Peter, let's just say Harry had a few questions for the guy.

"My mom's not expecting us until tomorrow morning anyway," Dean added, closing one of Seamus' bulging suitcases and hauling it over to the door. His worry for Harry was greater than his blasé demeanor made it out to be, well-versed in the fine art of subtly in a way Seamus never cared to be.

Seamus pointed at his boyfriend like Dean just made his point. "See?"

Harry shook his head. "Really, guys. I think I can handle being alone for one night."

Seamus gave in with a longsuffering sigh, going limp-noodle and rolling himself over the edge of the couch to land on Harry in a heap of dead weight. Other than a discontented "Ooph" as the air rushed out of his lungs, all Harry did was chuckle when Seamus started poking him in the belly. "Why are you so stubborn, huh?"

"Draco says it's because I'm hopelessly trying to prove my independence," Harry offered, which said a lot as to what was on his mind.

Seamus sat up, squashing Harry's legs under him and giving the raven an evaluating look. He opened his mouth as if about to say something before deciding against it. He sighed. "Take care of yourself, okay? And promise me you'll stay out of trouble?"

"Okay, I promise," Harry said easily, fully prepared to ignore the Irishman sitting on top of him. It was a conflicting feeling; he didn't like coming off as unappreciative, but at the same time he hated people worrying about him.

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