karlnap - #1 fan

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* * fluff & angst * *

"number five, niiiick armstrong!" the announcer said from the booth as i ran out onto the soccer field.

there was a bit of cheering and i looked into the bleachers, my step dad and younger brother were to the left at the top, my dad was on his phone and my brother looked half asleep.

i looked around some more as the rest of my team was announced. my eyes caught on someone, karl, sitting at the middle section of the bleachers and clapping. when our eyes met he smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

the smile was quickly returned before i jogged to my position, and looking at the other team, they were all pretty short.

it was 6:30 and the sun was almost all the way behind the trees. the field lights flicked on, making the bleachers glow.

a few more players were called out and the national anthem started. it took about ten minutes for the national anthem and for the other team to get their shit together.

the whistle was blown, indicating the other team to start the kick off. their pass was really slow and my team swooped in, the striker kicking the ball up as my whole team ran with them.

i was passed the ball and i ran forward, trying to make someone get open. when no one did i decided to take a shot on goal, i watched as the ball went over the crossbar and hit the chain fence.

"NICK WHAT THE HELL?" i heard my step dad yell from the bleachers. "YOU SHOULD'VE MADE THAT."

of course, the one time he was looking i fucked it up.

"hey man, it's only the beginning of the game, no big deal." one of my teammates said to me, slapping my back.

"thanks." i mumbled, backing up.

"you're a bad player." the guy i was marking told me, laughing and hitting my arm like it was a funny joke.

the ball was passed his way and i slipped around him, kicking the ball in front of me a bit and making my way toward the goal. two of their defenders tried to come back but were too slow. i kicked the ball so hard it made a noise as it flew in the air before hitting the back of the net, missing the goalies hands by a lot.

i smirked as i passed the guy, lifting up my arm and giving him the middle finger. "you're even worse, bud." i said, shoving him a little with my forearm and getting back to our half of the field. my coach scowled at me but didn't say anything, just turned back to her clip board.

the rest of the half was calmer, my dad only yelled at me four times, a new personal best, i might add.

the whistle was called for halftime and the score was 0-1 with us winning.

my team jogged over and we all went to our bags, taking out water and gulping it.

after my coach was done, coaching us, i looked across the field at karl. he was still looking at me. i winked at him and grinned, pulling my phone out of my backpack as i stretched my legs.

there was already a message from karl.

kar :]

your dads being a bitch boy don't listen to him


i laughed and sat on the bench behind me.

kar :]

thanks for coming

i wouldn't miss it :)
there's this guy behind me that keeps chewing meat sticks very aggressively

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