Remembering A Promise

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We live in a world full of people with imaginable powers. Some people use those powers for good and some use them for their own selfish desires. Because of these people came a new group of people who would fight for justice. People that risk their lives to protect those who couldn't, people who are willing to risk everything just to see a brighter future. People who we look up to as kids, people we call heroes. My name is Y/n Kusakabe and this is my story of how I became a hero

Early morning in Y/n kusakabe's room

Beep Beep Beep ..... Beep Beep Beep...... Beep Beep Beep ..... Beep Beep Smash

Y/n: Damn it

I said as I got out of bed.

Y/n: There goes another alarm clock, I really gotta stop breaking these things.

I said, looking at the poor alarm clock that didn't deserve to be broken.

Y/n: Alright let's see what time is it? Shit, it's 8:30 I'm gonna be late.

With that said I sprang out of my bed and put on my clothes so fast the flash would be jealous. Running down the stairs I put a piece of bread in the toaster and ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and comb my hair.

Y/n: really out toothpaste, whatever I got mints, I'll just comb my hair

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Y/n: really out toothpaste, whatever I got mints, I'll just comb my hair.

After finishing up I ran out of the bathroom, grabbed my bag and piece of toast, and sprinted out my door with the toast in my mouth.

After finishing up I ran out of the bathroom, grabbed my bag and piece of toast, and sprinted out my door with the toast in my mouth

Y/n: Alright if I keep this pace up I make it to the school with time to spare.

But of course, Lady Luck had other plans for me, those plans being the form of a person I didn't see coming around the corner.

Y/n and ???: ow

???: Hey watch where you're going, idiot.

Y/n: Me. How did you not hear me coming around the corner?

???: Obviously, Because I have headphones on, idiot.

Y/n: So you're blaming me but if your stupid ass didn't have headphones on we wouldn't have ran into each other.

???: No, if you weren't running like a mad man and walking like a normal person would, we wouldn't have ran into each other.

Y/n: Well sorry I was running late for scho... Oh shit, I'm gonna be late thanks a lot.

???: You're Welcome.

With that argument over I continued to school.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/n hiding from teacher scolding.

Y/n: ah yes there watching a movie I can sneak in.

Crouching down, I tried to walk into the classroom unnoticed, little did I know my tail was swinging in the projector light. The video stopped and the teacher spoke

Teacher: Kusakabe how nice of you to join us, try not to be late.

Y/n: Sorry teach won't happen again.

Teacher: Don't make promises you can't keep.

I took my seat and the class went on and watched the rest of the movie. They were watching an intro course on being a hero, all might helped with it. (it's kinda like the thing Peter watches of Captain America). After the movie, the bell rang and I was getting ready to go to my next class.

Teacher: Kusakabe, can we talk real quick.

Y/n: I'm really sorry I'm late teach.

Teacher: It's okay. Was it another nightmare?

Y/n: Yeah, it was.

Teacher: Listen I know it's hard to lose your parents, but it wasn't your fault.

Y/n: Yeah I know, I just miss them.

She pulled me into a hug, as my eyes got a bit teary.

Teacher: I know sweety, I know, if you ever need someone to talk to or a place to stay my door is always open.

Y/n: Thanks teach, I got to go to my other class now.

Teacher: Alright seeya be safe.

Y/n: I will seeya.

With that said I left for my next class.

Timeskip to Y/n walking home

Y/n: Come on she really gave me detention, and I thought she was being nice to me. Sigh Well at least it's a nice day out so It could be worse.

As I was walking home I came across this family that was getting ice cream. It was a family of 3, a Dad, Mom, and their son.

Son: I want the All Might ice cream cause one day I'm going to be a hero just like All Might, and protect you guys.

Mom: Ahh that's very sweet of you honey.

The Dad picked up the son

Dad: Well if you keep eating this much ice cream you'll get too chubby to be a hero.

The son pouted and the parents laughed, just like they used to laugh.


Mom: Oh please someone save me.

Bursting out the closet came a young Y/n.

Young Y/n: Don't worry Mom I'll save you.

Young Y/n had a red cape on and a superman shirt on and a foam sword in hand

Dad: Not if I have anything to say about it.

His father jumped around the corner with a foam sword as well. The 2 began to clash swords, the father obviously going easy on the young Y/n. The 2 seem to be evenly matched until Y/n landed a blow to the chest of his dad.

Dad: No I have been defeated yet again.

Young Y/n: That's because you are a villain and villains never win not while I'm around.

Mom: Thank you so much, Sword hero

Young Y/n: Don't worry mom I will always protect you.

Dad: what about me

They all started laughing together.

End of Flashback

I was standing there smiling while looking at the family interaction. But I got sad as I remembered families like these are torn apart every day. But that's why I am going to be a hero. I'm gonna make sure families like that don't get broken apart by villains. I'm gonna be a hero for Mom, and Dad. With that said I jogged home to begin my journey of becoming a hero.

Alright, so I know the title says Shinra Male reader but I've decided to do a mix of Shinra and Rin Okumura. What I mean by that is I'm going to mix their personalities together. As of right now, the character in my mind looks like Shinra but it can be whatever you want as long as they have Rin's tail. So far I plan for Y/n to just have Shinra's powers but if you want me to mix Rin's powers in too I can. This is my first fanfic, so please let me know what you think in the comments.

My Hero Academia x Shinra Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now