Promise Fullfilled

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We live in a world full of people with imaginable powers. Some people use those powers for good and some use them for their own selfish desires. Because of these people came a new group of people who would fight for justice. People that risk their lives to protect those who can not, people who are willing to risk everything just to see a brighter future. People who we look up to as kids, people we call heroes. My name is Y/n Kusakabe and this is my story of how I became a hero

A week after the entrance exam


Y/n: shut up alarm clock it's Sunday I can sleep in.

Shutting off the alarm my room was quiet again. I was about to go back to sleep until I was interrupted.


Y/n: Are you kidding me who could be at my door at 10:00 in the morning.

I get out of bed and throw a rock shirt on and some loose jeans. I walk down the step towards the door to see who is there.


Y/n: I'm coming! Jeez, some people have no patients.

I get to the door and open it. When I open it I see one of the last people I wanted to see today.

???: Aye so the devil finally graces us with his presence.

So I slam the door in his face.

???: That was rather rude.

Y/n: Go away Arthur, I'm not in the mood.

Arthur: I don't want to deal with you either, but we told Maki and Iris we'd hang out.

Y/n: sigh Fine give me like 5 minutes.

(Y/n: great I forgot about that.)

I walked into my bathroom, attempted to comb my hair, brushed my teeth, and threw on some deodorant. I am not one to spend 20 minutes getting ready, but I at least like to make myself presentable to my friends. So with my business taken care of, I slipped on my shoes, grabbed my phone, and headed out the door.

???: Well, well, well if it isn't Y/n, the prince finally kiss you sleeping beauty.

That is Maki, she can get a little when people don't show up or wake up when they're supposed to. Also, you definitely don't want to make her mad, I think she'd make the Rock look small with those guns.

Y/n: Ha, ha, ha good morning to you too Maki.

???: Good morning Y/n did you sleep well last night.

And that bright sunflower is Iris, she is probably the most innocent person you'll ever meet. And she always finds a way to make someone smile.

Y/n: Yeah actually I did sleep well, for the first time in a while.

Iris: Don't worry Y/n, I'm sure you'll get your acceptance letter soon.

Y/n: I don't know Iris there are 2 weeks before UA classes begin.

Maki: Well maybe it got lost in the mail, UA is bound to notice you didn't respond soon.

Arthur: Y/n I mean after all I had to send a letter back saying I got it.

Y/n: Yeah but dude you got your letter 2 days after the exam, pulse you got 40 points I got 20.

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