UA Entrance Exam

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We live in a world full of people with imaginable powers. Some people use those powers for good and some use them for their own selfish desires. Because of these people came a new group of people who would fight for justice. People that risk their lives to protect those who can not, people who are willing to risk everything just to see a brighter future. People who we look up to as kids, people we call heroes. My name is Y/n Kusakabe and this is my story of how I became a hero

5 months since the last chapter Day of the entrance exam

Y/n: 55 56 57 58 59 60 wow alright now to do 60 push-ups.

For the past 2 months, I have been training non-stop, to be ready for the UA entrance exam. I usually start my day by waking up an hour and a half before school starts, so I can get my 60 pushups, situps, squats, and my 4-mile jog in. After that, I take a shower at a public bathhouse because I don't want to smell all sweaty at school. After school ends, I would go home, make a healthy meal, change into my gym clothes, and head off to a public gym. I would alternate part of my body each day. Mondays/Thursdays I'll do upper body, Tuesday/Fridays I would do legs, Wednesday would be my off day, and finally Saturday and Sunday I would go to an abandoned building and work with my quirk. With this train schedule, I have become quite jacked, not like jacked enough where my clothes are barely holding together but enough to get a nice 4-pack. I have made quite progress with my quirk. I have always been able to easily control it, but now I can fly even faster than before and hit even harder than before. So let hope this is enough to get me into UA.

Timeskip to the front of UA entrance exam

Y/n: Wow this place is even bigger than I thought it would be.

I stood there with stars in my eyes amazed at the build that stood before me. I excitedly walk through the gate and towards the door. As I was walking to the door I saw a kid with green hair talk to himself almost as to hype himself up. I watched as he tried to take a step forward and immediately trip on his other foot. I watched as he began to fall until a tongue wrapped around his chest and pulled him to his feet. The green-haired boy looked around confused.

???: Sorry for using my quirk on you without permission, it would have been bad luck if you had fallen ribbit.

I watched as the boy stood there with his mouth open speechlessly.

Green-haired boy: N no no p problem, t th thank you very much.

He said while bowing

???: You're welcome, my name is Asui Tsuyu but call me Tsu, good luck on your entrance exam ribbit.

The boy was bowing even though the girl had left so I decided to walk up to him.

Y/n: You know broccoli she's gone you can stop bowing now.

Startled by my voice he jumped back and looked to see if she was gone.

???: o oh t thank y you, I d don't know long I would have been bowing if it were f for y you.

Y/n: No problem man names Y/n kusakabe, but call Y/n.

I reached out my hand for a handshake and he accepted it.

???: Iz Izuku Midoriya nice to meet you Kusakabe.

Y/n: I guess that works, so Midoriya took quite the tumble there didn't you, lucky for you though a cute girl came to your rescue.

I said to him as I nudged his shoulder.

Izuku: That w was my f first successful conversation wi with a g girl.

My Hero Academia x Shinra Male ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora