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"Love" Most simplest of complications of all time! All our life we read different stories,weave all sorts of imaginations on how "fairytailsh"love is! 

Heer ranjha..Romeo juliet..these are the names which cross our mind when we give examples of true love.

But in my case it's different,I never believed in these sorts of "true love" for I know two eternal lovers whose love story though not so  "fairytailsh"is enough to make me realise that there do exist a form of love far away from all sorts of accepted norms! Far away from materialistic feelings of jealousy, possessiveness, prejudice or grudge.

There do exist a form of  "true love" where all one could wish for is hapiness of other.

There do exist a form of love which is far above the norms of give and take!

And there do exist a true love which is purest of all,which breaks people yet heals them in the most beautiful way.

Such was the love between two eternal lovers,arjun and draupadi. A love story,which finds its way from the war oriented epic, imagine how great would be there love that even maharishi Vyas was compelled to drop hints!

Life is not always a bed of roses...while some of us find solace in reading perfect love stories which would transport us to a fairyland..I would still prefer the love story of ArDi,My ArDi!

Does it ever cross your mind,that there was born a princess,a firey Princess for a prince who has been ruling over ice all his life! 

Yes ice !! 

Arjun the only prince,who commands over all the damn qualities! The perfect man! World's best archer! The most humble man! But have we ever seen him confessing his feelings? May it be any topic?! 'Living for others'has been the ultimate motto of his life! But no matter what he was still a human! He too possessed heart ,a heart filled with humility,love and devotion for others...and also filled with coldness only and solely for himself! He was indeed like ice! Calm and composed to others and cold to himself,to his own emotions! To his suppressed emotions.

Imagine,a princess as equivalent yet contrasting to him was born,just because of him and for him! 

He was always silent suppressing all his emotions,while she was vocal about everything,even about love for him which she failed to suppress! 

They both were meant to complete each other in ever sense!

"Archery was his first love and he won his true love with the help of his first love"! How beautiful is that! Don't you ever thing ultimately his life was only about his two loves?! His first love, archery made him complete his ambition and duty,and his true love gave him strength to fulfil his duty! 

In a world where we crave for a love story filled with passion, romance and possessiveness! There's was a story written with sacrifices,trials and tribulations! 

"He came like a storm in her life  and still she was able to find solace in that storm! She was destined to go through all the tests of love afterall loving "thunder" surely demands some price!" 


And with these words, straight from heart,I present before you all a series of one shots! A series of my imaginations on the two eternal lovers! 

  |Note | 

This is a work of pure fiction and I don't intend to hurt anyone's sentiments. Feel free to share your views and thoughts.

Signing off till then.

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