•A walk to remember•

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Amidst the terrains of wavy grasses, dancing beautifully to the sound of wind, emerged two figures walking hand in hand. It was supposed to be a bright day in the morning,but now sun seemed to have taken rest as it was partly covered with clouds. The leaves of the trees swayed beautifully to the tune of gusty wind,the birds sang in their melodious voices, the branches of the trees moved gently shedding the leaves,making them free to dance swiftly in the tune of nature.The flowers seemed to play a part too in enhancing the serenity of the scene by making their fragrances travel all across the meadow. Every element of nature seemed to be rejoicing for they too had obvious reasons to celebrate. It was afterall the day of  union of two untainted flaws of nature! Fire and ice ! It was the day when a prince who rules over thunder, displayed his non pareil archery skills and won a queen who would always rule his heart till eternity! 

Dressed in the getup of a brahmin,he had walked swiftly towards the platform where the mighty bow was placed. It was only after sending the streak of arrows in the sky,which hit the fish's eye one after the other,he dared to look at her eyes. Her eyes were shut tightly as if lost in prayers for his success. He smiled a bit at her cuteness. And finally when she realised the presence of acupid himself, pouring down flowers at them,she opened her eyes,lifting her eyelashes gently and looked right into the eyes of her soulmate. Their heartbeats paused for a moment when their eyes met. Not able to control her blush she finally smiled at him, lowering her gaze and he smiled back for being the best reader he had already read her eyes! 

With garland in her hand and devotion in her heart she walked towards him.He stood there gazing at her for the first time anyone except his arrows was able to captivate him to such an extent. For the first time in his life,the great Archer,felt nervous. He felt his heartbeat rising,with every step she was advancing close to him, he was losing himself to her. They finally stood inches apart. That subtle smile never left her lips,the fireborn,for the first time was fearing to look into someone's eyes! Her gaze was lowered as she felt him staring intensely at her,the intensity even more than the fire she was born from! 

"Look into my eyes princess!" He said,and her heart skipped a beat. His voice was magical,she was fearing to look into his deep hazel orbs and now even his husky voice was driving her crazy. Everything about this man is magical. She thought and looked at him, straight into his eyes. The untamed intensity of flame seemed to have clashed with voilent intensity of thunder! She wrapped the garland around his neck,making vows and promises and so did he,not realising that promises are meant to be broken. 

He clutched her hand tightly and protectively as they made their way out of the hall,that was now turned into a battleground. 

"Are you really sure you want to spend your entire life with this poor Brahmin,when a princess like you is meant to rule the world!" He said, smiling,trying to make her forget what has just happened in the hall,how the so called kings planned to plot against her infuriated by their defeat.

"Says the one who has now proved himself to be the world's best archer! And Arya! How can you be poor when you possess the most expensive qualities of the universe?!" She said,unaware of the effect that her simple word 'Arya' has cast on him. 

"My younger bhrata says that every girl dreams of a prince charming! Do you also have or had any such imagination on how your dream man would be like?" He asked,wanting to know every single detail of her soulmate.Maybe not in terms of wealth and jewellery as there present condition won't permit but he would surely give her all what she dreams of! Her dreams would be his priority! 

"Rajkumar arjun!" She whispered and he looked at her in surprise and shock. 

"My dad wanted him as my groom." She added. 

"And what about you?" He asked,amused. While she smiled to herself. "I am already with the one I waited for!" She thought and played along.

"Almost every girl in the aryavrat wants to marry him! Don't you know?" She asked biting her lower lips.

"Really! I didn't know!" He laughed. "What's so special about him?" He asked.

"Is there anything that's not special about him!" She said,teasing." I love to share everything with him,every thought of mine!" She added. And he almost choked.

"So you have met him? I mean you have seen him? But as far as I know he isn't alive right?!" He asked.

"That I don't know! But yes I know him since I was born! My dad told me that I was born because of him and for him!" She smiled at his confused expressions. " I do talk to him everyday! I mean to his potrait! " She said and he chuckled at her cuteness.

"But I think your arjun lost to me!" He teased her.

"He is still world's best archer!" She said.

"Don't you feel wrong praising some other man infront of your husband?" He asked,trying to act serious.

"No! There's no wrong in talking about Rajkumar arjun infront of him!" She said and he stopped. He turned to her in shock and surprise while she simply smiled at him.

"You already knew my identity?"

"How could I not recognise the one,I was waiting for since the time I was born!" She said and his lips curved into a smile. Being a person who would always think of others hapiness first, there was a girl born for him,who thought about him,who waited for him and most importantly who loved him. How would he be able to reciprocate her love?! Will he ever be able to love her enough,will he be able to give her life she deserves. With the innocence she told him everything,he felt something inside his heart stirring,he felt his heart screaming her name again and again.

With a peaceful silence between them they started to walk. He never felt such a feeling before. Maybe this is what 'love' is called! Being a warrior he always felt love was exaggerated and now there was girl who made him feel and belive this feeling called love.

"I would love to listen everything you used to share with my potrait!" He said ,for first time  in his life, feeling jealous of something ie his own potrait. 

"..and I would love to tell you everything I always wanted to say!" She said, unaware of the fact that their emotions would always remain suppressed in the lonely corners of their heart. 

While they were about to reach the hut,a heavy gust of wind blew past them warning them about the upcoming events of destiny to unfold.

The nature which was earlier rejoicing,now seemed to cry in eerie silence for "share among all".. were the most cruel words every spoken! Somewhere in the sky fate smiled,an evil smile!


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