chapter twenty-eight: hey, what's going on here?

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"And for the days I seem to feel content, my worthlessness decides to take a stand."

028: what's going on here?


Hoseok woke up with four bodies around him.

His body seemed to serve as a body pillow to two people and his legs seemed to be a perfect pillow to the other two. He could remember running to Seokjin and Jungkook's house at midnight. After that, there was screaming and blood and his mind blurred together so much of it that he couldn't identify what happened verses what he had dreamt.

It didn't make sense. Nothing did.

Another thing that didn't make sense was why everyone was here.

Jungkook and Taehyung were holding onto his waist while Jimin hugged his left leg. Yoongi's head was laying on his upper thigh too. Four of his six friends were here. Well, here on the bed. He looked around the room to find that Seokjin and Namjoon were both sleeping on a couch. Jin slept sitting up with his arms folded and head on Namjoon's shoulder while Namjoon's head was thrown back on the back cushion of the couch.

Hoseok shifted slightly, trying to see if he's able to get out of the bodies he's trapped between but Jungkook's whine forced him to stay still. Yoongi lifted his head up without warning, and looked at him, now the only other one awake.

"Good morning, Hoseok-ah. Let's go to the living room, I'll help you get out," Yoongi hummed quietly. He helped Hoseok manuver his way out of bed, and didn't let go of his left wrist as Yoongi guided Hoseok to the living room. Hoseok laid on the couch as soon as they arrived, and Yoongi sat near his head, hands swiftly moving Hoseok's head onto his thigh.

"Did I wake you up, hyung? I'm sorry."

"No, it's alright. It's already ten anyways. Did you sleep well, Hobi?"

He didn't have any nightmares for once. Dreams, yes. But no nightmares. That had to have been the first February where he had missed a nightmare. Every year, he had them every single night without fail.

"Y-yeah. Hey, hyung. Can you explain what happened last night?"

"Last night? What did you think happened?"

"Uhm, there was blood on Jungkook's arm and I heard someone scream really loud--like a girl scream. Then--" he paused. "I think I imagined the rest." Yeah, he did. He saw the night of his mom's suicide. He saw her blood everywhere.

"Oh, okay. Well, Daehyun came over to talk about how she should apologize to you about what happened with Namjoon. Everyone was already here since we had some business to tend to together. I think she accidentally bumped into one of Seokjin's shelves and everything fell on her."

That story was a bit fishy. Hoseok didn't take her as the type to speak to Namjoon about something like that. Not when she wants to appear as a sweet girl in front of him. His story only explained the scream, it didn't explain the blood on Jungkook's sleeve. What wasn't Yoongi telling him? Yoongi never lied to him until now? Did he do something to make Yoongi angry at him?

"Where is she? Did she get hurt?"

"Yeah, some sharp objects fell on her so Namjoon took her to the hospital."

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