chapter thirty-nine: who are you

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"Sometimes you make me feel crazy. Sometimes, I swear I think you hate me." --who are you, lauv, bts (jungkook & jimin)

039: who are you


He bounced on the heels of his feet, excited to get to both wake up their angel and tell him the news before anyone else.

Seokjin opened the door quietly, hurrying to the sleeping boy's side. He was always making breakfast or getting ready for the day in the mornings so he never really got to be the one to wake Hoseok up. This morning was different. Yoongi and Taehyung were making breakfast since Taehyung was the first one awake and woke up Yoongi so he'd have company. Jin was thought to be asleep so the two decided to make breakfast and surprise him.

That wasn't the case, however, Seokjin could pretend to be surprised later on.

"Hoseok-ah, it's time to wake up," Jin sang, tapping the boy's shoulder lightly. When the boys first moved in, there wasn't a set schedule for anyone to follow. Hoseok always slept in during these times, they all did, so alarms weren't necessary. Now, waking up early was a must.

Hoseok had began setting alarms on Sunday to prepare for adjusting to a new schedule but he soon found that none of the boys allowed him to use one to wake up. One of them always went into his room and turned it off, then woke him up themselves later on.

Yesterday, on Wednesday, he had decided to stop turning on morning alarms. It wasn't like he was able to use them so he didn't see the point in having them.

"Oh, good mornin', hyung," he sleepily slurred, sitting up. He never was woken up by Seokjin unless Jin had found his way into his bed during the night which was rare.

"Guess what?"


"I switched all my classes to day classes!"

Hoseok's eyes widened and he smiled brightly, hugging Seokjin tightly. Just how Jin had imagined he would.

"That's awesome, hyung! We'll get to sit with you at lunch and--and I'm so excited!"

"Me too."

Jin had made the decision on Monday but his professors wanted him to stay a little longer so he could transition correctly. He wanted to get more time with Hoseok and the boys, and getting more time to sleep was a plus.

"Now, go get ready to eat breakfast. Tae and Yoongi are cooking," Jin said, getting up to leave. There was something special about being the one to cook breakfast. Whoever did was usually buried in compliments and so it was always a treat. Getting so many compliments from Hoseok could make anyone's day easily. Then, there was the satisfaction of knowing everyone ate well because you provided food for them. Something about that made you feel happy.

"Okay, hyung."


Having Seokjin around drew a lot of attention.

Many wondered who the new addition to the group was, and to those who knew about Jin, many others wondered how the group of boys knew him.

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