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I promised myself. Only a month and then I'll take her to a doctor an sif needed I might as well disappear from her life.

This month will be unforgettable hopefully and fully enjoy it with her. I planned most of the things so I hope we will follow them without any struggle.

"Hey baby!" I heard her come in the room after she finished her work.

"Hey" I opened my arms and motioned her to come to my embrace. I saw how her eyes got filled with sparks and end of her mouth started twitching.

Should I just stay with her and never admit her? I know what she needs. I just need to give up on myself and everything I always wanted but I cannot. People are born greedy too and just once I wanna be selfish too where I am happy too and don't worry about someone else.

"Let's go somewhere. On a vacation. You choose the place"

"Let's go to Paris. Let's see every museum and every conrner possible. Let's just think about us and nothing else." She smiled happily and her eyes were screaming crazy. Whenever I see her I wonder how can person love someone to a point of going crazy?

"Pack baby. We will leave soon. Don't bring many stuff since we will but lots there." I kissed her and savoured her coconut chapstick and sharing the sweetness between our fighting tongues. She's so damn sweet.

" I love you " she whispered and felt how her body shivered after saying those words. Her hair ends rose and goosebumps ran over her body.

She makes me so confused. It will be hard letting her go.




I've always dreamed of going there with my lover and it finally came true.

After the sweetest kiss we've ever shared I started packing and he was just there watching. Smiling as he laid on the armchair and watched my every move, as I took out the suintcases and found some clothes in his closet that match each other and even tried out some for fun and put 'fashion show' for him.

"Flight is in 2 hours and are you sure you wanna miss it?" He suddenly stayed after looking at his watch and to be honest I didn't know I could dress up this fast. In 20 minutes I showered, applied cream and chose a perfect outfit. Sneakers with high wasted, ripped loons, golden waist bracelet and green crop top. My hair in a bun, necklace, rings, bracelets and glasses. When I looked around he was already dressed in all black. Black jeans, sneakers, hoodie and glasses. His black hair made it look way better.

"How can you look so good"

"Same for you babe but you need to hurry up. We need to leave now or your Paris stays as a dream." He smiled at me and took my hand. Tugged me to the door while I was pulling the suitcase. From the door he too it and we went to the airport.

I loved Jongin before this flight but after it? I adore him more. How can he fly for 12+ hours? Like I'm dying already. I cannot wait to touch the land again and just stan don my own feet. 

After we got our laguage and hired a taxi, we went to our hotel. I couldn't stop watching practically EVERYTHING around me. Even if I had seen many building before I was looking at them and tried to remember it.

Kai was always looking at me and whole trip and everything gave me strange feeling. Like a goodbye.

We checked in a hotel and after refreshing a bit and changing clothes we went to the museums. I made sure to wear dress to look cute in pics.

It was red, knee length one which was backless and straps tied behind the neck. It was simple but cute and elegant.

Jongin held my hand, firmly locked our fingers and until the day ended he never let go of it.

Somehow he treating me like this made my guard down and enjoy the day to the fullest.

A/n: hello guys! Sorry for late update. I wasn't feeling well😭❤️ enjoy!!!!!

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