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After competition was done I  was led to the backstages where I got in their changing room or rest room? I do not know to be honest. I just watched their performance from the TV.

I sat on the couch and fell asleep without even realizing it.

Jongins POV

"Thank you so much for your support!! I love you!" I screamed in the mic and bowed with members.

We went to the resting room. We all were tired and exhausted but it was not that bad. We still could walk and breathe even tho it was hard or it hurts when we do so.

I went in first. I wanted to see her again, observe her more and get to know her more.

The very first thing I saw was her sleeping on the couch. So beautiful.

I went up to her and put some strains of her hair behind her ear.

She still continued to sleep. I chuckled, she sleeps like me. 

Baekhyun hyung came in and saw her sleeping too. He started making some noise but nothing could wake her up.

"Hey. Beauty" I shook her a little. " beauty wake up."

"Yeah mum more 5 mins and I'm up"

Members burst into laughing.

She slowly opened her eyes and when she saw me she was quite shocked but then as I guess remembered how she end up here and calmed down.

"I'm sorry" she got up and bowed a little.

"That's nothing! It seems you were tired. For example our Suho hyung. Whenever he gets chance he sleeps!! Even on the exo ledder-"

"Baekhyun I think that's enough of a story " Junmyeon interrupted him.

"Noona! Let's go! We gonna have a dinner together!" Sehun exclaimed

"Noona...?" She went pale not believing her ears

"Yes...? Why? Is everything okay?"

"Oh my. Sehun for gods sake I'm 4 years younger than you!" She whined like a kid. Cute.

"You look older though.." Sehun titled his head and pouted his lips like a lost puppy not believing something.

Mary looked at him with that angry but whiny face. Pouting at the same time. She's so adorable.

"Okay whatever. Anyways I'm hungry and what are we gonna eat?" She asked

"What do you want to eat?" Chanyeol asked her with that silly grin of his

"Since it's only 2 days I am here I haven't tasted anything normally. But who cares I want chicken." My eyes lit up.

"Chicken?" I asked her quickly.

She nodded like a 5 year old and smiled.

"Guys can we just order it all?" Mary asked.

"Why not. I'm sure all of us prefer to stay here and enjoy food here. So what else you wanna eat?" Leadernim asked

"Taekkbokki, dumplings, kimchi, (idk any other and sorry if I wrote them wrongly)

" how hungry are you?" Chen exclaimed

" I could eat an elephant " She grinned and all of us started laughing uncontrollably

After delivery came we all ate. Me and her got to sit next to each other and oddly we fed each other too.

She was pulling me in. Like a magnet. And I was scared.

Mary's POV

After delicious dinner we all chatted nicely.

"I haven't felt this nice talking to a fan " sehun said while stretching his hands in front of him.

"Well I feel like a human being " Baek said.

"Because this fan sees you like a human being for gods sake" I rolled my eyes "what you excepted from me? Hmm... maybe scream "oppa I love you" in every five minutes and explain how much each of you mean for me or tell you your biographies?"

"Those are really annoying for me ya know?" I added "I don't know how much u enjoy those kind of talks but I'm not that type sorry."

"Woah. She's so different hyung..." Sehun turned to Kai while having that awed face.

I smiled.

"Okaay. Sorry for turning out harsh but it was my personal opinion about those fans who are beyond crazy. And I'm not even talking about sesaengs."

"We understand hon" Suho smiled gently "it's just we have never heard fan say all of those. It seems like you are that one seldom fan who  respects idols and their privacy. "

"Okay it feels so awkward let's do something" I let out a "diplomat" laugh.

"Suho is that lucky fan thing still available?" Chanyeol looked at him with that stern face

"Yes. Why?"

"Let it be her" he announced more sternly. Oh my chanyeol and this serious? Am I dreaming?

"Okay first of all. Explain what this lucky fan thing is "

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