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"Kai you can't continue like this anymore, it's been months" Chanyeol rubbed my shoulder as he sat down next to me.

"I know but I can't forget her" or was hard, past some months have been hard, I see her getting better and living her life while being active on social media again and how come she hasn't missed me? She didn't love me?

All the questions were swarming my mind to the point I wanted to die.

Should I really say goodbye to her? Should I really forget this amazing woman who was crazy in head but still gave me all the love I always wanted and lacked? I'm really confused

"You have to get over her" he said as he put his face in his hands "I can't continue seeing my best friend dying like this anymore. Please Kai"

He's right, maybe I really have to forget her.

"I guess you are right" everything will be better. Just one step at a time. I will be okay. I will get over her.


It has been 4 months since I last saw him. I miss him but I won't go back. We destroyed each other. After all he was the only reason why I could get better. At first I was thinking about rushing to his arms the moment I was out but I guess that would be another big mistake of mine.

I love him. God you know how much I love him but we aren't the couple that needs to exist.

Most of the couples should be supportive of each other, have healthy relationship but the thing we had? No, no. It's not worth it.

I know Kai you are struggling right now but it will be fine. I know you will be able find someone who is actually worth of you and will give you everything I could not. Will give you all the love and deserved  healthy relationship I could not.

Thank you, Kai. I love you. Goodbye.

The End

A/N: how was it? Hope you enjoyed it! Love you guys! Thank you so much for all the support ❤️❤️❤️

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