Ch 3: Brothers Quarrel

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Setting: Common area

N: Tokoyami continued to hug his brother as he held his sister, everyone was crying or trying not to as they watched this family reunion. Fuyuki grabbed Akina's hand that rested on his beak and he took her from Tokoyami. Akina giggled and tried to put her head in his jacket her little beak tickled Fuyuki's collarbone a little.

Fuyuki: "Hey. Hehehehaha."

Tokoyami: "She still wants to be coddled?" He asked crossing his arms.

Fuyuki: "Yeah, but hey she's a baby, what're ya gonna do? She needs me. But she also needs her other big brother."

Tokoyami: "I know." He said placing a hand on his shoulder.

N: Fuyuki smiled at Tokoyami and he smiled back, Akina looked over her shoulder and looked up at Fuyuki and tugged on his jackets collar.

Akina: "Uki."

Fuyuki: "Hmm?"

Akina: "Mm."

N: She turned her head and pointed at the students of class A. The two brothers turned their attention to the group of crying students. Then they looked at each other and Fuyuki just shrugged Tokoyami looked at his classmates then took a few steps to them.

Tokoyami: "Alright, if you all wouldn't mind getting yourselves together I would be happy to explain everything."

N: Everyone looked at him fanning their eyes and wiping away their tears and blowing their noses.

Yaoyorozu: *Sniff* "Yes. Uh ahem, just give us a minute." She said fanning her eyes.

N: Tokoyami nodded his head and sat down on the couch with his arms crossed and his leg over the other. Fuyuki walked to the couch and sat on the arm rest.

Fuyuki: "Are they always this emotional when family members come to visit?"

Tokoyami: "No, although Midoriya can get quite emotional about anything. But hardly anyone's family members come to visit, you two are the first."

Fuyuki: "Huh, okay. And which ones Midoriya?"

N: Tokoyami pointed to the boy with the crazy green hair who was grabbing tissues from the table to wipe his eyes.

Fuyuki: "Oh him! Gotcha." He said nodding his head.

N: After a few minutes everyone gathered around, Fuyuki got off the arm of the couch and sat down next to Tokoyami. Akina squirmed a little bit in Fuyuki's arms but he held her arms at her sides and turned her to face the crowd. Everyone was silent taking a few glances towards each other.

Kirishima: "Sooo? Are we about it?"

Fuyuki: "You know normally people don't address people as "it."

Kirishima: "Right, sorry, sorry."

Sero: "So um? How long have you been twins?"

N: Fuyuki rose a brow and Tokoyami shook his head and Akina gave a an expression to Sero letting him know that that was a dumb question. Then Sero slapped himself on the forehead.

Fuyuki: "Well twins are twins even before their born. Sooo, yeah we've been twins since we were born and since she was born."

Akina: "Yeah."

Kaminari: "Okay, okay, now I got a question between the two of you who's the oldest?"

N: Jiro plugged in her earphone jack into Kaminari's ear. He yelped and jumped up in pain.

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