Ch 4: Remember When?

241 2 13

Setting: The kitchen

N: Fuyuki had his arms crossed and he was sitting on top of the counter with a mad look on his face. Then Tokoyami came into the kitchen then looked over and saw Fuyuki and marched over to him angrily.

Tokoyami: "What was that?"

Fuyuki: "Hmm, I think it's called an argument. Ever heard of it?" He said in a sarcastic voice with a smile.

Tokoyami: "Fuyuki-"

Fuyuki: "Don't start with me. I don't have anything to say to you." He said jumping off the counter and walking away.

Tokoyami: "You don't need to say anything, just listen."

Fuyuki: "No. I don't wanna listen either."

Tokoyami: "Fuyuki please."

N: He looked back at Tokoyami then sighed as if he was annoyed. He leaned his back against the fridge and put his hands in his pockets and looked at his brother angrily.

Tokoyami: "Look, I know you're angry and you have every right to be. And I really appreciate you and Akina coming all this way to see me. But my training and studies are really important at the moment, but that doesn't mean their more important than you and Akina. And you know that."

Fuyuki: "Well, yeah. But that doesn't mean you can use it as an excuse for everything! I know becoming a hero is really important to you, and it's important to me too. I'm trying to be one too, remember? But even so I still have to make time out of my schedule to take care of Akina while you're at U.A. When do I get to have my own life?"

Tokoyami: "I know, I know. And I'm grateful and so is Akina I'm sure. I would be there more it's just..complicated. Things here are a little more...intense than I thought they'd be. Believe me I do miss helping you with Akina and actually spending time with her and you like when we were children. But..thing's change."

Fuyuki: "Yeah I know. But when you first came here you stayed in touch and now you barely call, message or even write. I haven't heard from you in a while not since you went to training camp, or when you got your hero license. Which I'm still proud of you for by the way. And when you do respond you message me on the phone with like two or three words, and you only say a single sentence before hanging up."

Tokoyami: "I know. And I know saying sorry just won't be enough for you."

N: Fuyuki just shook his head and turned his back on him and gripped his arms as he crossed them.

Tokoyami: "Do you remember when we were children? How you would always run off on your own because you pretended someone was in danger, and you were going to save them?"

Fuyuki: "Yeah, I remember."

Tokoyami: "And the time when you ran off too far from the house and it started to rain?"

N: Fuyuki furrowed his brows and he loosened his grip.

Tokoyami: "It got late, and mother and father couldn't find you anywhere. And neither could I."

Fuyuki: "Mom and dad were so scared."

Tokoyami: "They were. But I was terrified."

Fuyuki: "I know, you went out to look for me then mom and dad couldn't find either of us. Mom almost called the police." He finished the last sentence with a smile.

Tokoyami: "Mother always worried about us. You especially. But when I got too far from the house I finally found you."

Fuyuki: "I was so scared of the thunder and lightning, then you found me hiding inside a small narrow hole by a tree and a river."

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