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You're here... "

Yedam open his eyes to look at the one who's talking, his forever intruder, then close it again.. He knew him so well that he'll always be the first one to be there just wherever and whenever..

Hey.. That was just a random selca.. Don't think too much about it... It was nothing... "

Yeah it was nothing he thought, but why does it hurt so damn much.. He's becoming sensitive these days.. Maybe he's getting tired from all of this..their frequent arguments and being the secret.. His secret..

C'mon Dami, you should trust him.."

Yedam didn't know, but what he felt right now suffocates him to the point that he opted to escape from reality and seek the comfort of his hideout" YG's Old Building Rooftop " he needs to be away.. And just be alone to be himself.. just yedam.. But guess he can't be alone since he's with him again..

Should have love you instead hyung.. I mean I wish my heart chose to thump for you, then maybe I won't have the hard time showing it for the world to know I won't care since I knew from the start that you'll fight for me as well, the condemnation of this industry won't be that much Coz we're both adults.. Yedam thought as he watched him staring the vast heaven that feels like engulfing him with its melancholic atmosphere blurry moon and a lone star trying to shine Amidst the clouds..

Their eyes met as he turns his head towards him.. And again Yedam wonders just why his heart chooses the one even him aren't ready to fall with, yet he still falls that hard and there's no turning back, unless his heart stop beating the rhythm only for him and put an end to it like how the corpse do, unbeating, cold and devoid of everything ..

Funny how sometimes this guy makes his heart thump for a sec just like now when he surprisingly turns to look at him.. But then it will stop right after the moment that he'll look into his eyes and fathom the depth of its hidden emotions to others, but not to him.. From the very start he was very honest.. So open that it pains him for not being able to reciprocate his feelings.. because he loves him like a dongsaeng to his hyung only.. hurting him wasn't an option but he still does, but what can he do..

Quit looking at me like that, I'm in love yes, but please don't give me that pity look or I might grab it and take you a way from him" Yoshi smile to the younger, whom his heart beats like crazy even with just the mention of his name, how much more when he's this close to him, staring like he'd want to give him a dot of chance, but then he knew, hell just hurt him more..

He heard him uttered those words amused at how the older sounded like joking but underneath there's a promise and determination and he's afraid he might be swayed given the situation he is in right now.. His frequent thoughts of letting everything go, for he is tired, bruised, suffocated and exhausted..

If one day, I'd stopped loving him or stop loving the word love in general.. Promise me hyung to introduce what love is again" he asked a not so simple request to the guy with a lone tear cascading on his porcelain like face.. He may sound selfish but if one day he'll love another man he'd like it to be with him.. Tho he knew from the start that its impossible.. Too impossible for he long knew that it'll only be that one guy that his heart would throb madly even with just the thought of him, even just the sound of his steps..

He nods his head, a silent promise he'd comply even without the request.. the indirect rejection again, yet he's a masochist, he knew the pain so well and for whatever reason he just can't stop..

I'll take it from here hyung" a panting Haruto came rushing voice pleading but terror and broading emotions is not well hidden.. He always gets nervous when his Dami is with his Yoshi hyung, he didn't know why he indulge Jihoon 's naughtiness just to make Hyunsuk jealous he forgot that he has a love to protect as well, a very fragile one, though their love for each other is always strong but the circumstances their both in is raging frequently trying to test how much they could hold on to.. So when Yedam wasn't answering his calls, he looked for him ASAP, and hearing the words his love uttered with a pained voice almost shutters him, but he can't give him up, not whe he is his from the start, today and tomorrow, so hell be damned of he won't fight for what is his..

If there's someone aside from them watching the scene that is candidly happening , he would know the storm that's loaming and just waiting for when will it surge and the chaos it will bring is sure enough terrifying, the younger guy may look respectful but his eyes is emitting hostility towards the older whom he knew is just waiting to snatch and take what was and will always be his no matter what.

Yoshi once again nod to the younger whom he treated as a brother from the day they met before he act leave the place he's been settling for awhile now, as he is about to get up he felt that someone hold the hem of his shirt, he'd like to comply and stay for the love of his life, but he also wants him to be happy and he long admitted it to himself that it is only Haruto that will make his Yedam really happy, so even if he wants too, he still proceed to stand and left them without turning back as his tears falls like rain drops, for he knows he just can't have him, he was born to love Yedam, yet Harudam was born for each other..

Haruto silently grab Yedam's hand that touched Yoshi, and brings it to his lips as he meet eyes with his love, the love he's ready to fight and wreck havoc if threatened, without blinking he give each fingernails a feather like kiss, he didn't notice how a lone tear just dropped without warning, until Yedam wiped it, he leans to the older touch for a good minute and give his favorite spot a lingering kiss as he feels the rhythm its making giving him assurance that he's still his, yes he loves listening to his pulse rate whenever they're together.. It's his addiction aside from his lovers scent and lips.

As always Yedam's heart do the somersault, backflip and more gymnastics tricks whenever the younger is around, his heart hurt for him because of the unplanned circumstances, he has lots of what ifs, and a regret. Regret Coz as he nursed his hurting heart, along with it he is hurting him.

Note :

If you're a teume you would know what selca am talking about, thats where I got my idea, it just so happen that Dami's Born to love you short clip was shown on tmap, just combined the two.. Yup this was the 2nd one shot I've drafted.. The 1st one was too short and am having a hard time completing it.. Tho this is short as well, but I couldn't add words, it might ruin the plot..

Grammar, spelling and whatnot maybe lurking everywhere just let it be OK.. Am nowhere near a pro am just a wannabe writer.. 😊

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