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It's been 2 months since Yedam arrived from the states, but he still never had a decent talk with Haruto, he was warned while he was still abroad by Hyunsuk the changes he might encounter from the boys but more on Haruto , but he wanted to give it a try, he just wanted to talk, have some closure if its really the end of them, but no Haruto won't even spare him a glance, he's always busy tending Woo's needs, it hurts but what can he do..his heart can't stop missing Haruto even if he didn't want to, he can't even pretend he don't love him anymore Coz his heart just won't permit him, even if it is suffering from too much jealousy watching Haruto being all sweet and caring to the one he loves now, it still beats for him crazily, he is crazy and stupidly in love  for the one who will never be his anymore.. It hurts but he needs to accept it..

Tonight was a big mestake.. he's not supposed to attend the after party celebration of Haruto and Hyunsuk successful concert Coz he knew he'll just get hurt, But his Team A brother's along with Mashi kept on bugging him.. The other members of Treasure seem not fond of him being back, he didn't know what he did wrong to them, he understands Haruto's sentiments and indifference Coz he left him hanging but the others he don't know.. So he's here all alone in a  table far from them trying to enjoy the music that the dou presently performing making the party alive when he was approached by Noa.. He didn't know the older was around.. Tho it won't be a surprised since he is close with Hyunsuk as well ..

Why are you here all alone Dami-ah? He asked right away as he give him the brotherly hug they've been used to.. But what he didn't expect is when the younger cling to him a li'l longer than normal.. And just like always he pats him at his back and pressed his lips  to the younger's forehead.. His way of comforting him since day one whenever he needs it ..

You OK? " he whispered trying to decipher if what's wrong..he knew actually.. Hyunsuk keeps on updating him, that's why he flew from Japan just to attend the party after he finds out that Dami will be present.. He wanted to make sure that he's OK.. That even if he had an appointment and prior engagement he did everything just to be here, which is the best decision he ever made.. Their baby is indeed in pain and they can do nothing but be there for him

Yedam didn't answer, he just need a hug.. Everything is bottling inside his head, and it is putting chaos to his rumbling and aching heart.. The cold treatment from the guys and Haruto.. Why he's still in this place he don't know, he is not welcome but his Hyunsuk hyung begged him to attend and stay , ahh he wanted to cry just like when he left him, when he left them, he wanted to cry when he 1st saw the fancam of Haruto being sweet to Woo minutes ago.. But he can't.. He needs to accept that his tears won't need to be shed for something that maybe he's the one at fault..

They were like that for a very long moment spaced out and too focused of his overwhelming emotion he didn't know that the music stopped already  until he felt that he was rudely being dragged away from the comfort of Noa's warm embrace, he zoned out after he witnessed how Haruto punch Noa.. He saw it in a slow motion.. That on reflex he go to Noa's side and make his body a cover and not inflect more pain from the younger..

Yedam was waiting for a pain from the younger, but it didn't come so he look to where the younger is and saw him walking away from him.. "are you OK hyung!?" he asked worriedly..that he didn't see how Haruto gritt his teeth firmly and his jew moved stubbornly that any one would come his way would receive his fit with fury after hearing him talked full of worry to the man he's jealous since day one

Ofcourse not, who would be OK with that surprised punch silly" he said laughing

Hyung, if you're not OK then why are you laughing? " he is weirded by the older's reaction

I'm just happy for you"

Why? " in case you don't know my heart is hurting.. My head is not sane right now..that I just want to run away far from here and never comes back hyung..they hate me, he hates me.. I'm starting to get tired..

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