The pillars know...

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[Third person point of view.]

With the pillars, at the butterfly mansion. A Pillar and meetings about Tomioka missing.

All the pillars were gathered up. Tomioka wasnt there though. They wondered where he would be. He never missed the meetings. Soon the master has arrived.

"Hello my children. Good evening. I have important news to share with you my children." The master smiled a slight smile.

"News is very flamboyant, master! But where is Tomioka? He's missing, master." Tengen pointed out.

"Ah that was the news. The news is about Tomioka. He's..well, he's joined the dark side, my children. He now a demon." The master didn't seem happy.

All the pillars were shocked. Tomioka Giyuu as a demon?! They could never imagine that! Not even the master could.

"Our fellow demon slayers seen him in his new form. They said he's now Uppermoon 2.. I want you, my children, to go see if it's true." Master replied.

They didn't say anything. They just bowed, and took their leave. They went discuss what they heard. Soon enough, they went searching for there fellow friend, Tomioka Giyuu.

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