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" We could just stay in bed for the whole day today and have sex till we both can't feel our legs."

Zara seductively whispered in her ear as she massaged her breasts while they shared a bath.

" Mmh_mmh, you know I have work today and you have lunch date with your friends then you have to go see your parents."

" You know we haven't had a complete weekend with just us catering to each other. Soon our baby boy will be here and we won't have time for that."

" That's like nine months away and we will have time and more free days but today I have to work."

" You could reschedule today though and spend time with me, quality time."

" You introduced me to your friend and she wants things done today. For my business to grow, I have to stick to my promise, so I will do it today."

Kea felt her sigh and stop what she was doing.

" You know I am trying to build my company how will I do that if I cannot deliver."

" I told you that I am capable of taking care of you and our future children ya Rouhi."

" As tempting as that sounds I want to have something of my own so that even as a housewife I will have money coming in. We don't know what tomorrow has instore for us."

" How did I get so lucky. A beautiful independent woman soon to be the mother of my first son."

" Well I have to go. Thuli ( two-lee) is helping me out today, hopefully we will be done by dinner time. I'll let you know when I'm on my way home."

Kea drove to Becky's home thinking about her wife's request earlier. She felt guilty about it because ever since she started her business she did not spend much time with her. The last time they really spent time together was the first month after marriage then they both became busy. Coupled with her feelings of guilt for faking her death,she felt she could not fully enjoy her life. She was guilty for abandoning her brother and her only bestfriend but was glad to finally be around her older brother who left when she was still young.

" You were really serious about getting here early hey, I just woke up."

Becky said opening the door to her.

" Yeah my work ethic is currently causing trouble_"

In that moment she recalled who she was talking to and kept quiet. As much as she trusted her wife, she knew what lengths people can go to to ruin others. Plus she did not know this woman to be revealing her marital issues.

" Look I know you know my past relationship with Zara but be rest assured that I have moved on from her and she's not the one I want."

Kea felt like she was telling her something by her last statement but she dismissed it and apologized for being judgemental. Though she did not explain why she was apologizing.

" Hey know that if you need advice or just somebody to listen, don't hesitate calling me. I may not know much about being married but I know Zara."

Kea smiled with the thought that she would never need her as a shoulder to cry on but thanked her politely for her offer.

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