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Zara looked down at her hand when as soon as they got out of the car and were headed towards the huge mansion, Keo had intertwined it with her hand. She lifted her hand to kiss her wife's hand for comfort. This was the first time since they had staged her death that Keo was meeting her family and Zara knew how nervous she would be. Especially since she was supposed to be wedded to her brother. The closer they got to the front door, Keo's hold tightened around her hand.

" Babe relax we'll be fine."

" This is just nerve wrecking. With everything that has happened, how do you think they'll react seeing me?"

" I'm sure they'll be happy to see you doing well and bringing their first grandchild into the world soon."

" You forget that I breached a contract they had with my parents. That would make anybody hateful or vengeful."

" The important word being between your parents and it's a marriage contract, not a business contract. "

" I know.. I'm just afraid that they won't be understanding and might be angry at you for helping me out. Then starting a whole family without their blessings or presence."

" You worry too much-"

Zara was interrupted by the huge front door opening after they had sounded the doorbell twice. Stanley, the butler appeared from behind it.

" Miss Zara¡ It's been a while."

" Well I've been quite busy with the company-"

" The company?."

The butler smiled while eyeing Keo's very much visible stomach even though she had tried to hide it by wearing a lose shirt. Zara introduced the two to each other with Stable giving a warm welcome to Keo. Which eased her anxiety a little. Still hand in hand they followed him into the lounge where all house members were waiting for them.

" Shit!"

Keo cursed when at the sound of their footsteps everyone in the room turned towards the entrance. With their eyes growing wider each second. She was not expecting the whole Asfour clan to be present. Zara's extended family, from her father's side, were all present. Three uncles, two aunts and their children.

" Have I been away from home that long to receive such a grand welcome."

Zara pulled her in as she tried to ease the suddenly tense environment. When they walked into the house they could hear joyful chatter and laughter but abruptly stopped upon their presence.

" Zara what is the meaning of this?"

Her father asked through gritted teeth causing Keo to halt her movements and try to remove her hand from hers but Zara tightened her grip, pulling her forward.

" I told you when I called that I was bringing over somebody special. I know some of you might know who she is but let me introduce Keo_ my wife."

Somebody gasped while her father's anger worsened, which was evident by his face turning redder. Zara walked past her father to introduce her to her aunts and uncles.

" You're still alive?!"

Aati held out his hand in an attempt to touch her but Zara pulled her back defensively.

" Don't touch her!"

Their father still stood where they had left him, finding it hard to believe that he had seen who he had seen and heard what he had heard. Aatif and her mother seemed to be the only people who were not surprised.

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