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" I have been thinking..."

" About what babe?"

Zara said pulling her onto her thighs and gently rubbing on her now four month belly. Which was only visible when she was naked, in tight clothing or now as her wife rubbed it. She had come to the office to check on her.

" Meeting with my brother Zach and Zandi."

" You know that they might be mad at you for lying?"

" I know, hence it took me this long to decide to take this step. Plus after telling them I know my parents will find out and you know how much I don't want to deal with those two but I've talked to Tally. He offered to come with me."

" I think it's a good idea Babe, you will need your family during this time and I'm sure Zandi will be overjoyed when she finds out you're expecting. When will you go see them?"

" In two days which means you should also prepare yourself to introduce us to your parents."

" Just when my father and I were getting along."

" I am sorry babe but this is inevitable."

" No, I knew this day would come but what are we going to tell them when they ask who they cremated?"

" Well no one since Nephtally informed them that I was cremated because it was my dying wish but they never attended the cremation. So all they had was my memorial. They didnt even enquire about my death certificate and Zach was distracted by his guilt and grief to worry about all that."

" Nonetheless it will be hard to digest-"

" I know and I hate that we had to take such drastic measures but I had to escape my parents. Running to another country wouldn't have helped because they would have eventually found me and dragged me home."

" Hey I'm not judging you, I understand and know what you went through. This time you have my full support and I'll be by your side through it all."

Zara's words were comforting but they could not rid her of the anxiety she was feeling just knowing that soon her parents would know she has been alive all this time. The phone rang as they sat comforting each other and Beth announced that it was time for her next meeting through the intercom.

" That's my cue to leave. I'll see you tonight."

" Sure, don't cook I'll make us my special mansaf when I get home."

"Can't wait haven't had that in a longtime. Bye."

Kea walked out after they kissed and bumped into Becky who had a file in her hands, luckily she had a tight grip on it.

" Sorry I did-"

" No it's my fault, I was busy with the contents of this file and not looking at where I was going. Anyway how have you been?"

" I have been good, thanks to your help I'm now more busier than ever."

" Hey I was just doing what any satisfied customer would do. I really love what you did to my place."

" I'm glad you loved it..."

Kea felt she should do more to thank Becky for her referrals, which have helped her business tremendously.

"... We should have lunch tomorrow. My treat."

" I would love that."

" Call me torrow to schedule the time."

" Will definitely do."

Kea walked away unaware just how much that meant to Becky.

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