Glass Children

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We are the glass children in this society of hell.
We get made up, we get "fit", and we get unhealthy just because you say its what’s right in this world.

We are the glass children in this society of hell.
We're built strong just to see how many hits we can take before we crumble.

Stay tuned for the latest news on your TV.

This is not "news" this is tragedy! 
We're just the players in your game, this society of hell.  

I heard a depressed teenager, but what do you care?

We are the glass children in this society of hell. 
Built perfect to entertain, but it’s all lies isn’t it? 

We are the fragile children.
Are hearts are shattered glass. 
We hope you enjoy our remains. 

Author: Sorry about this one being dark guys. Im just sick of society trying to push me and the people I love around because we're not "Perfect". Its kind of a venting story. Sorry guys -E

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