Never Ending Moment

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"Are you awake?" I whispered. 
My voice cut through the silence like a knife.

You mumbled something like "yeah" back to me. I looked up at you and you cracked your eyes open the slightest so you could meet eyes with me.

I smile and you smile back. You look so tired.

Suddenly your arms tighten and you pull me closer into your warm chest before kissing the top of my forehead.

"No one else is awake." I say quietly. 
"Then why are you?" You reply.

"Because you're here. And if I had any choice in the matter, right here, right now. I would never want this moment to end."

Your hands trail mine spine up and down and I shiver.

"So ticklish." You grin cheekily and shut your eyes sleepily. 

I decide not to speak again and instead bury my head in your neck and close my eyes.

I wished that this moment would never end. And I've never wished for anything harder. 

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