I Could Only Explain You if I had Hours

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You don't know how long I could spend describing every single detail I notice about you.

I'm pretty sure you'd tell me to shut up before I even got close to finishing.

I would start with your eyes, your hazel-green eyes the same as mine. On some days they shine as bright as the sun. Is that even possible? Regardless, they do. They shine a green-yellow that makes your whole face light up with warmth.

Your hair is the colour of coal - on some days. Other days its like a dark chocolate colour. Either way that colour doesn't seem so dark. Because its on your it doesn't seem like a dark black but rather it seems to radiate the same brightness you do.

Your lips and jaw are magnificent. The way your lips curl upwards when I catch you staring at me is the kind of thing that makes my heart melt. Your lips are so soft and warm and when I kiss you on those cold Winter days my mouth seems to tingle from the sensation.

Your height makes me laugh. You are so incredibly tall and you make me feel so small but when you wrap your arms around me I don't feel so small anymore. Your height makes me feel protected and safe and as if I could never be hurt by anyone. I love the feeling of standing on my toes to kiss you.

These are just a few of the little things but in reality I love every single perfection and flaw about you. Everything you hate I love even more and everything you love about you I promise I will forever cherish that.

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