Chapter 7

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----A/N hello everyone! new chapter, dont forget to comment and tell him if anything is wrong. once book is compete i will go back through and edit the chapters. enjoy reading!---

Subject 327 POV

When I begin to wake up again i feel my ears twitch when a unfamiliar voice reaches them, " we can not tell what she is if we don't do some research on her, i know you are scared for her but if we don't do some tests..."

The moment the word test leaves his mouth my eyes snap open and i jump out of the bed, the IV and anything that was once in or attached to rips away making me bleed. It startles everyone in the room so much that it takes them until im out the door to react and begin to chase me. I zig zag around anyone who gets in my way from behind me i hear them shouting at everyone to catch me, but i also hear a faintly familiar voice telling them to stop the chase, i dont hear anything else as barrel into a table knocking things off making loud clanging noises.

I shake my head before starting to run again barely missing someone's hands trying to grab me, my vision still a little hazy from what they gave me earlier. I yelp softly when i am suddenly grabbed by my tail, i swing around biting whoever grabbed me. When there grip loosen with painful grunt i once again dart away, after a while i don't hear anyone behind me so i slow down to a walk not caring that i am walking like the animal i am. I look around my surroundings panting and sweating, i flick my ears around listening. Its dark and silent here from what i can tell, a little down the hall i see an open door so i head for it.

When i get to the door i look inside hesitantly, when i see its empty except for a desk and chair i walk inside still with my guard up. I walk over to the desk and lay under it curling up, the adrenaline slowly starts to wear off and i yawn, i don't close the door as i know it may look suspicious if they left it open. I lay my tail over my face and let sleep consume me once again.

Darians POV

" I told you idiots to not chase her! Now we have lost her and she is severely injured you morons!!!!" I yell at the scientists and anyone else who chased my little darling...-wait...darling?...- i shake my head to rid the thoughts and with one last glare of anger at everyone i turn and walk away. I begin to look in small spaces and anywhere she could have went and hid, as i am looking i begin to grow more worried when i cant find her or any trace of her. I stand and pull out my phone and text my dad asking if her can send over a tracking dog, yes we have those for cases like this one, not very often we need them though so he knows its serious and send the dog straight away.

When it gets here i give him the blanket the girl was sleeping in and he quickly gets to work sniffing for her, he begins to lead to the abandoned part of the building and i sigh -should have known she would come here...even unknowingly-. Soon enough he brings me to an open door and softly whines before sitting down, i pat his head and poke my head inside. I can feel my heart melting at the sight of her sleeping under a desk curled up with her tail over her face.

I slowly and silently walk inside the room and crouch down beside her before sitting down with a soft smile as i watch her. I then pull out my phone and take a picture, i send it to my dad and then my mom while her asking why i feel the way i do to her. She tells me that we will discuss this over dinner tonight, i just say ok before my phone away. As i do i look back at the girl and sigh, -she's sleeping so good i don't want to wake her...but i have to-. I reach out to her and gently shaker her,

"hey little one, time to wake up."

She stirs and moves her tail with a yawn, she looks up with sleepy eyes before jumping up and backing away with a low growl. I put my hands up showing no signs of ill intent, she watches me before cautiously laying back down, not once does her eyes leave mine. I sigh and lower my arms before speaking,

" i am so sorry that you were chased and...i told them not to, however you shouldn't darted away like that. We are only trying to help you."

She narrows her eyes and then speaks so softly that i almost miss her words " scientist bad"

I look at her in shock " no sweetheart, the ones who were looking at you are nice faes, they would never hurt you"

She looks at me her tail flicks a little "they said tests need to be done...don't want tests"

I stare at her before laying on my back with my head turned towards her "why don't you want tests?"

She watches me with her pretty narrowed eyes "tests hurt...tiring"

I stare for a moment before it finally dawns on me, i feel my heart shatter at the thought of the 'tests' done on her by other scientists. I rub my eyes from being so tired and from sadness at this new information. But i need her to tell me so it will be confirmed in words, so with that thought i turn back to her,

"what tests did you have to do?"

Her ears instantly flatten and she tenses, i curse in my head at making her scared as she was slowly relaxing. But to my surprise she speaks up "needles...running...maze...punishments if not done..."

My eyes widen and i sigh "those wont be done here ok? You can trust me on that"

I then remember all the names i just called her and blushed slightly. She stares at me. 

Subject 327 POV

I see his face turn a little red even in the dark, and as stare at him i can see he means what he says, as much as i want to take his words i don't know if i can. He suddenly sits up making me jump with a small yelp, i hear him chuckle. I look at him with a small growl of irritation.

He just chuckles again before speaking "do you want to stay here in that room or come home with me? of course a nurse will come with us if you choose to go home with me."

I stare at him eyes wide - i don't want to stay here with unknown people...i barely know him but...- i flick my ears before answering "ill go with you."

His eyes light up with happiness before he scoops me up making once again yelp, but for some reason i do not lash out at him. I hold onto him tightly and sigh "my siblings and fang?"

He smiles "your siblings are staying with another fae family and fang is with my mother. lets go see them yes?"

I perk up at the mention of fang before nodding slightly and lay my head down on her, i cant figure out why but i feel safe with him.

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