Chapter 10

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Rose POV:

I wake up the next morning to being snuggled in Darians arms, memories of last night come rushing back and i softly whimpering and tighten my grip on him. With my grip being so tight he wakes up and sits up pulling me with him, he begins to hum while rubbing my back. I soon quiet my whimpers and peak up at him to see him looking at me with a soft smile.

"hello little one, you are safe here i promise you"

I tilt my head slightly "what about siblings?"

He chuckles lightly and nods "they are fine to im sure, now why don't we go fill that belly full of some yummy foods?"

My tail begins to wag and my ears perk up, i drool a little "pancakes?!"

He laughs and gets up with a nod saying we will have pancakes, he walks down the stairs and into what i have been told is called a kitchen. His mother is already at the stoves making pancakes from what i can see in a pan, i squirm in his hold a little and he puts me down. I stand and watch his mother, i have noticed that when i am with them Darian is the only one who will pick me up or turn to me when i am in the room. I am not sure why but i feel compelled to go towards his parents when there back is turned towards me, so that is what i do.

I slowly begin making my way towards his mother, my ears flick behind me when i hear Darians breath stop so i turned to look at him. He just smiles and sits in a chair, i turn back to his mother and get closer, once i am near her i reach out and tug on her shorts. She giggles and looks down at me.

"want to see?"

I nod slowly and she picks me up, i hold onto her and look at the pancakes watching as she cooks them with my tail happily swaying slowly. She makes eggs and other food with them and soon enough i am sitting in a chair with my plate full of yummy food. I don't wait any longer to dig into my yummy, i hear them chuckle while i happily eat. I don't however notice the looks that his mother gives us, worried looks one and as for why well we will find out soon.

As we are nearing the end of breakfast the door opens and hits the wall making me yelp and jump falling out of my seat landing on my tail, pulling another yelp from me. Darian gets up quickly and picks me up, he asks if i am ok and i nod holding onto him laying my head on his shoulder. I notice his mother has left the room and hear voices at the door talking, my eyes grow heavy from a full and warm belly. Darian hums as i begin to fall into a peaceful nap, that is until the voices are closer and i hear there words.

"we have heard rumors of children"

"what rumors?" darians mother asks,

"well...they are not being treated very well by the familys they have been placed with im afraid. Especially the two that were with the girl you keep, they are not normal and are a lot to handle"

My eyes snap open and much to Darians  and his mothers surprise i jump from his arms my ears flat and i back away with a growl, earning a gasp from his mother. They are not nice people after all, i should have known better then to trust them, i move my eyes around the room staring at them with mistrust. I see Darians eyes and they look sad, angry and betrayed. He opens his mouth about to speak but i turn and dart out of the house intending to find everyone from my little pack of misfits, sacred little hybrids, and leaving, taking us far away from all harm and lies. I hear Darian call out to me as i jump through a window knowing i cant reach the door handle this was my only option, by jumping through the window i startle whoever was out there, which was Darians father.

I pay him no mind besides a warning growl as i run from the house of lies.

Darians POV:

I turn to look at my mom, "this a test, we were gonna wait a little longer but those bad men have been looking for them, not near here but near enough to be of concern"

The anger i feel towards whoever was harming these kids jumped to a new level "and you thought by doing this absured..test or whatever was in anyway to help them?! To help MY little rose?!!"

I could see how my anger and yelling was hurting her but she hurt my little rose and i was not happy about it, just then a hand was put on my shoulder and i turned around to see my father. I shoved his hand,

"did you know about this to?"

He sighs and nods "we thought it be best to see how she does in this kind of situation and we could not tell you so we could keep it as honest as possible, so you wouldn't tell her and we would get a not so honest reaction out of her"

I pull my hand back and put it into a fist and punch the wall next to him with startles him and my mother who gasps.

"how dare you betray my daughters trust?! not to mention, you made her think i had something to do with it!? I know i have not known her long but i feel a connection with her and what you just did made what little bond and trust we had alot more fragile "

I glare at there shocked faces before storming out, i needed to find rose and fast before she hurts herself or anyone else.

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