Chapter 13

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(once again i will be redoing the chapters once the book is done, however enjoy the book and please leave advice if you so wish. have a good day)

Rosie's pov:

I wake up the next morning to an empty bed, besides me snuggled warmly into some blankets. I poke my head out and look around the room sleepily for Darian, I don't see him after a moment so I crawl out from the blankets and yawn rubbing my eyes. I slip off the bed and mumble that I wonder where he went, i open the door and freeze when i bump into to someone. Instantly I am on guard, which I should have been anyways, so I jump back with a growl looking up at the person standing there. I go silent when I see its his mother who has a shocked face, she sighs and gives me a smile "I am sorry for startling you dear, darian wanted me to come get you since its almost lunch and hes handling some business with guard guy" I just stare at her. Still not trusting her after yesterday I crawl back in my blanket with a soft growl.

She sighs before leaving the room keeping the door cracked open, after a few minutes I slip out of the bed and out the bedroom door. I flick my ears around listening, once I make out darians voice I begin to follow it. I soon reach a door that is slightly opened so I poke my head inside, I see darian but his back faces me. I also notice the guy who caught me yesterday so I glare, his gaze suddenly falls upon me and he smiles before nodding at me. Darian turns around with a curious look before he beams at seeing me, he gets up and walks over, i growl softly to which his smile falters but he proceeds to pick ne up and rub my head softly, "hello darling, did you sleep alright?" I just nod slowly relaxing from pets he giving me, hey even if I distrust him still, I love being petted.

A throat is cleared and I tense glancing at the guy and glaring, "oh stop glaring rosie, this is axel he saved you from going out into the snow storm that never seems to stop" I stop glaring and lay my head down on darian. He sits down and sighs "rosie do you think you could tell us where yall came from?" I instantly tense and begin to shake at the thought of that place, " see axel? Anytime i bring it she gets terrified" I hear axel clear his throat "I see...but in order to help you and everyone else, little rosie, we need to know where you came from and the life you had there" I just bury my head in darians neck with a whimper.

Darians pov:

I sigh and rub her head softly "can you stop asking her now please axel, I know its really the only way to help her but I do not want to damage our bond anymore then it already is" I look at him and he nods, he says he needs to call his lady so he leaves the room. I move rosies head so she looks at me, I see the big fat tears running down her face so I wipe them away "its ok rosie, if you are not ready then your not ready" I see her nod before she lays her head back. A few minutes later I hear the door start opening singling that axels back, but the door stops as rosie then speaks, "its not a very nice place...dark wet room most time, stuck in cages...I was the favorite so I had the biggest cage" my breathing stops at the information that she is giving me. I was not expecting her to even talk about it but I am glad she is, I rub her head softly and sigh. I go to speak but she continues "I did more tests then other kids...had to run mazes so they could keep tabs on how my body is doing with the experiments, only know that word as they use it a lot." I feel her take a shaky breath.

I give her a soft kiss on the head "stop talking rosie, you can tell me more at a later date, you can rest for right now ok?" I feel her nod before her body relaxes and her breath evens out nice and slow, I motion axel to come inside the room. I see him sit down and his expression is sad "that sounds horrible...I do not know if I want her to tell us anymore but she has to sadly" I nod rubbing her head "I know axel but she cant do it all in one day, shes terrified of that place and now we somewhat know why" he nods watching us before giving me a soft smile "my lady does not like what she is learning about the kids life before they came to yall. Shes sending out others to investigate further down the mountain" I nod with a small smile "sounds good, I am going to go take a nap with rosie" I get up to leave but he grabs my arm "mind if I join little birdy?" I blush but shake my head and leave the room with him following me to my room with a smirk.

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