chapter 1

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When George was 5, his father sat him down to explain what Myths were. His father had a beautiful red phoenix. George always saw these animals with people, and had asked his father what they were

"George, do you know what a myth is?" his father asked, as George shook his head. "Well a myth is a magical creature that chooses you to be its master. a lot of people have them. but a certain few don't. i believe one day, You'll have a phoenix like mine."

"But why don't i have one now?" George complained, as his father only smiled and laughed, 

"Oh trust me, one day you will, but you have to wait, and be patient. alright?" His father said kindly smiling at George, as George pouted. 

"Alright i guess i can wait." George grumbled, as his dad laughed and picked him up, "Lets go out tonight, just me and you bud, we'll go watch the stars tonight,"

"YAY!! dad your the best!" George replied hugging his father close.

George sat in his room looking out his window at everyone outside with their Myths. George was only 9 and didn't have one yet. Everyone at school made fun of him. Pushing him around until a teacher came along to stop them. He felt useless. His brother came in with his Myth which was a Phoenix. His brother, Wilbur was 12, and he named his Phoenix, Opes, which meant treasure in Latin. Wilbur got Opes when he was 8. And he considered Opes his treasure.

"George, what's wrong?" Wilbur asked, as George never stayed inside for long, Wilbur was worried for him. George felt tears forming in his eyes, as he looked down,

"I feel like I'll never get a Myth. Everyone in my school already has a Myth. And then I'm the only one who hasn't gotten one." George replied. Feeling worse now that he said something, Wilbur smiled at him, and sat down beside him.

"George, you'll get one, you're the nicest kid I know, and so when a myth picks you, your myth is going to be amazing! Everyone will envy you as you walk down the halls with a cool epic myth by your side! Opes here is the only phoenix in the village." Wilbur said as his smile faded, "unfortunately you also know because I have a rare myth, I have to go and meet the king. See if Opes is fit for the army. But I have time until I'm 18 and I know that if I do have to go, I'll refuse any offer he makes so I can come back and protect you."

George felt touched by Wilbur's words. But he knew deep down the king would ultimately threaten Wilbur with his family if he refused. George hugged Wilbur and they both stayed like that for a while.

"Mums disappointed in me, I know its because I don't have a myth yet. My hand doesn't even have a mark so everyone will know, at least you got your mark once you bonded with Opes," George whispered, before realizing Wilbur was asleep. So he pulled a blanket over them and got comfortable, soon falling asleep as well. That night George had a strange dream, fire and destruction everywhere. And over it all. Himself. With a beast behind him. It was tall, and scaley, having spikes protruding from its head and neck. Was that a dragon?! Beside him was a black figure dressed in red garments with a fallen angel by his side. His hood covering his face. As George and his Myth, continued pointless genocide.

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