chapter 6

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George awoke in a small dark room, a chair was sat across from him, the room had no windows and an iron door. He blinked his eyes sleepily. He tried moving his arms and found that they weren't tied down. Like he expected. he was laying on a bed, he tried calling his myth,

"Evermore... Are you there?" no response came. He sat up and ran over to the door, finding it locked. He heard footsteps and stepped back as the door opened. Technoblade stepped in and George scrambled back. As Techno grinned.

"you'll come around soon enough, My fallen has a special ability, the ability to influence others within its vicinity. A few days stuck here can-do wonders. Did you wonder why Jack was against you? Though, the thing about this world is that violence is the only universal language. I'll give you 5 days to decide. You can go freely with your own will, or you'll have to be painfully convinced. You will join me, George." George was finally alone again, he tried summoning Evermore. But his powers didn't seem to work. Sighing and trying to spend time in games against himself. He dug in his pack and brought out a blanket. And inhaled the comforting scent as he swore to whatever god was out there. he would get out of here. he started by pounding on the door. Yelling and screaming for help. Until his hands bled, and his knuckles ached from the repetitive action. he finally stopped when he didn't have the strength to continue. And he fell, Falling asleep.

Day two showed promise. He found his bag under his bed and found a sharp dagger inside. He tried lockpicking, and no success, while he was doing this a tray of food appeared under the door. But he didn't eat anything. He wasn't going to eat anything they gave him. Not trusting what they put in it. He continued trying to do that when he heard an explosion and the ground shook, he fell, dropping the dagger. It fell right beside him as he picked it up and sheathed it. Grabbing his pack, he checked the door,

"IT WAS UNLOCKED THIS WHOLE FUCKING TIME?!?!" George ended up screaming as he twisted the knob and felt better of it.

"George," a familiar voice said, as he almost laughed with relief

"Evermore!" he thought.

"Don't open the door, there are two guards stationed outside, both with demons. Wait until someone comes to get you, I contacted our last resort to come break you out. Be ready to run," George was confused, 'last resort?' he sat on his bed, his legs swinging as more explosions shook the ground. He wondered who it was. Was it his dad? Nope! His dad wouldn't go through the trouble.

Finally, after what seemed like eternity, rapid footsteps were heard outside. He jumped to his feet. And 2 thuds were heard. The door opened and a man in a green hoodie and a white mask opened the door grabbing George by the wrist and dragging him along. He tried to keep up, but this man was tall. And he kept stumbling, as the man grumbled in an annoyed tone,

"for fucks sake, your slow,"

"It's not my fault you're a giant of a man!" George snapped back, as the man scooped him up bridal style and continued running as George took a few moments to process what was happening,


"it's not my fault if your too short to keep up!"

"Shut up! I'm average!"

"Whatever you say Princess. I'm not the one who got captured, but I am the one stuck saving you"


"I don't know your name, so I'll call you whatever I want, princess," George could practically hear the shit eating grin this idiot was wearing, he was bright red, and embarrassed. But he had too much pride to admit he was right. It was faster going this way. They turned and twisted through corridors until they reached a huge crater, and George's mouth dropped open.

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