The closet

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Now on: The Silenced Spider
It's been a week since I've talked to Pytor and I'm starting to think he just thinks I'm a crazy woman.

Guess where I've been for the past week?

The closet.

Not like that.

Well, yea like that but that's for most of my life this is because of Ms. Bitch.

And all because I broke one fucking plate with her dramatic ass I'm surprised she's not a Karen.

And do you wanna know what she told the school when they called.

"hE HuRT hIS aRm hE WoN'T bE BAcK fOr AnOthER WeEK oR sO."

This bitch is one of the best liars I've ever met.

Which I scary because she's pretty much always drunk so imagine what she could do sober.

I feel a vibration in my pocket and I get so upset that I scream.

I had my phone this whole time yet I just found it.

Thank god Mays not here or- I don't even wanna know what would happen.

At least I hope she's not because I have to go patrolling since I haven't been in a week.

I slip into my spidey suit hop out the window and swing to the top of SI.

Honestly, I've gotten used to sitting at the top of the tower. It's soothing and it helps me forget about Ms. Bitch.

Oh! I have to text Ms. Natasha.

Let's hope she doesn't mind.


Shit! I left her number at the Bitchatory.

I wanna die.

Well, I guess it's time to risk my life.

Oh well.

As I start to swing home I notice that the route I'm taking is far slower and safer than I'd like so I switch to a more...enjoyable route.

As I swing as fast as I can I notice I'm about crash into a building and I panic a bit.

Then I notice that it's the bitchatory so I calm down.

Time for mission impossible.

At the top of the tower

Well, she was there.

But she had passed out. Right
before I opened the window.

It took me a surprising 10 minutes to get in out and back to the tower.

Well doesn't matter now.
Words: 370

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