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Now on: The Silenced Spider
I sit down and stare at her as she starts to drink a brisk.

I didn't know someone could be this cool.

I didn't know I could think anyone was this cool.

Ah shit.

I think I like her.

Oh well it's fine I just can't let her know that's all.

"What are you thinking about?" Wanda questions.

"You." And when my thoughts caught up with my mouth I opened a can of blue monster and downed it.

"Why did you-" BURRRRP

"Excuse me I'm sorry," I say hoping she's not one of those girls.

But just as I start to think that I hear her start to laugh and she downs a normal one.


I think I'm in love.

Time skip

The sun is starting to set but I honestly don't wanna leave.

I know what I said about all of this being horrible or whatever but that's before I honestly got to know her.

She's nice, funny, gets my jokes, and laughs at them too.

I honestly just wanna stay here a little while longer.

Mini time skip
Wanda pov

Honestly, today has been one of the best days I've ever had in America.

I know I shouldn't already feel this way but I don't know why I wouldn't.

I just wanna stay here but I also don't want him to get in trouble with his aunt.

Back to peters pov

The stars start to appear and I sit up.

I don't ever wanna leave but life sucks.

I sit up and see that Wanda's asleep so I just collect all of the snacks and drinks and I start to shake her.

She just mumbles under her breath and tucks further into my hoodie.

She looks so peaceful.

I don't wanna wake her up.

I guess I'm sneaking into the tower.

Time skip

After I hack into Friday which didn't take as long as I thought it would I shut her down as I made my way with her on my back and the snacks in a bag on my wrist.

"Damn it what room is hers?" I whisper to myself.

Gonna have to ask Ms. AI.

I type my question into my phone and I get a response in words.

"Ms. Maximoff's room is the last room on the left."

As I carry her to her room she starts to wake up to I walk slower and slowly open her door.

As I make it in there I set down the snacks and set her on her bed.

After I take her shoes off and I go to leave but she grabs me.

"Stay a little longer please." She says in a adorable voice.

I don't think she knows it's past 1 am.

Oh well, I'll stay till I get sleepy.

"Ok," I say quietly moving to lay next to her after I take off my shoes.

She cuddles up next to me and I can just feel my body starting to get soft and my brain getting mushy.

Time skip

Shit, I almost fell asleep again.

This is like the 20th time this hour.

It's almost 4 am and every time I try to leave she gets all sad and holds me tighter.

If this was anyone else I probably would've punched them until they were unconscious then left.

This sucks.

But it's kinda nice too.

Good thing I'm an insomniac.

Another mini time skip

As I wake up I notice my surroundings.


It's starting to get light outside which means I'm supposed to be at school soon.

It's 6:32 which means may is supposed to be waking me up in about 28 minutes.

She might be abusive but she's consistent.

'This is fine. I am fine. Completely fine.'


"Peter?" A quiet voice asks.

"Hey, witchy," I say admiring her features.

"What are you still doing here?" She says her accent filtering her words.

"You fell asleep so I hacked into the tower because I couldn't just leave you out there but when I tried to leave after dropping you off you asked me to stay and I meant to leave in like an hour but it just got later and later and then I fell a-" I get cut off by a loud laugh.

"You know you could've just woke me up and I would've let you leave right?" She asked sitting up.

"Yeah, but I didn't wanna wake you anyway," I say getting out of her bed and putting my shoes back on.

"That's sweet you broke into the tower for me." She said going to take off my hoodie.

"No, you can keep it," I say mentally cursing myself cause that's my favorite one.

Oh well.

"Really?" She asks and I nod.

"Yea but I gotta get going I have school today and I can't miss another day," I say going in to hug her.

And then she kissed me.

I mean it was on the cheek but it's still a kiss.

I kiss her back and walk outside her room jumping out the window when I'm out of sight.

I connect Friday back to the tower and delete the footage of me being there.

Shit, I only have 3 minutes until she comes to wake me up.

I swing as fast as I can and make it back with 39 seconds to spare.

I kick off my shoes and crumble up in my bed.

As soon as I'm under the covers my spidey sense starts screaming at me but I ignore it.

A second later a glass bottle crashes into my head.

The bitch didn't even have the decency to drink it all.


"I'm up ma'am," I say sitting up.

"Ge' ready fag" She says stumbling out of the room.

I just go and hop in the shower.
Words: 999

The Silenced SpiderWhere stories live. Discover now