Chapter 3 : Daydream

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Hoseok's red bag.

Chapter 3 : Daydream.


-Hi, he says, in his language.

-Hi Hoseok.

-What's your name ? He asks me nicely.


-I don't recognize your accent. Are you European ?

-Yes. French.

-French ? He says, delighted. I don't know why.

Then he gives me his big magic smile, the one that seems to be able to replace the sun, and I remain like an idiot to sunbathe.

-Are you okay ? He asks, looking a little worried.

I'm shaking a little.

-What ? Oh yes, sorry. I am fine. Thank you.

But please, don't smile like that again, please, I say mentally.

-You looked so happy and passionate at concerts.... that I wanted to give you a gift.... and meet you.

-Yes, it was really great. Thank you very much.

-Yesterday too ?

More dimples. I'm having a hard time keeping up with the conversation. I'm destabilized by his presence. This all seems so unreal.

-Hey ? Oh yes, yesterday too. It was amazing.

I try to smile and look natural. I can't imagine my clumsiness.

-Are you hungry ?

I look at him without understanding. He asks me if I'm hungry. Does he want to invite me to eat with him ? He's not going to eat with the band members ? Isn't he too tired ? I look at the table and realize that there is a lot of food for one man, no matter how hungry.

-I thought you might be hungry too, so I ordered for two. In case you came... You see...

I look at him again. He thought I might not come, that I might be able to resist the temptation ? Really ?

-Oh yes. Yes okay. Yes I'm hungry, I say, laughing at my clumsiness.

He stares at me a few seconds, but I can't understand his gaze. A little surprise, though, I think.

-Okay great, so let's eat together ! He says by clapping his hands, as I have often seen him do on the videos, when he is enthusiastic. It's so funny to see him do it in real life, right now, in front of me.

We settle down and he offers me some food. He seems happy to eat, it's nice to see. However, it is very thin. Training keeps him fit.

-So, what does a French young woman do in Busan ?

-I am just finishing a cooking course in a famous restaurant, not far from here.

-Really ? Wow ! French people and cooking, a love story for real !

I laugh and he stays still, chopsticks in the air, staring at me.

-Cooking is my passion, since I was a little girl. You know that, don't you ?

-Yes, you already know it, I guess. We always have to follow your childhood dreams.

-Especially with your talent.

-Talent is about working, training. But passion must be strong. What will you do after that ?

-I would like to visit other countries for some times, I think. I've saved money by working in different restaurants. I have already been to Thailand, Vietnam and would like to go to Japan again. I love Asian food. And then I promised my sister I would join her in Australia. She just had her first baby.

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