Chapter 6 : Perfect man

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Hoseok's red bag.

Chapter 6 : Perfect man.

Hoseok talks with Yoongi for two minutes before throwing him out. I don't understand their whole conversation, but I see that Hoseok is upset. However, as soon as the door is closed, this smile is back. He tells me that it is all ok now.

He sets the table while I take out my little pot of « Bourguignon beef ». It smells so good that I salivate right away. I put it in the center of the table. Immediately, Hoseok leans over and inhales the scent happily.

-Huummm, that smels so good ! How do you call it ?

-A typical French recipe : « boeuf Bourguignon ».

-Beuffeu Bourguinong ? He repeats, all focus.

He's so cute. But I already might have said it, right ?

-Ok ! Perfect ! Give me your plate and let's eat !

We settle down and I serve us. For two minutes, he tastes everything seriously. I smile while waiting for his verdict but his face already says it all.

-It's delicious Anna ! So you really are a magician ?

I burst out laughing. I love his humor.

-You haven't seen anything yet my friend, I answer with a wink.

-Hohoho, he does, rubbing his both hands like when he's excited. I laugh even more.

-Tell me this recipe.

Tell a recipe ? I love the idea. It means something to me. So I go for it. Holidays by my grandmother. My love for cooking. Afternoons with her, in front of the stoves. Failed cakes. Successful experiences. Giggles. Happiness ! Boeuf Bourguignon, the first recipe that I made on my own from A to Z and which was successfull ! My grandmother encouraged me in my passion while my parents thought I should have concentrated on more "serious" studies.

-What you say speaks to me, you know it ?

-Yes, I know. Only difference, you have succeeded. I still run after my dream : to have my own restaurant somewhere in Asia.

-You are young, you are gifted, motivated and determined. I believe in you, he says, putting his hand on mine.

-Thank you, I am simply answering.

Of course he wants to be nice. No risk for him. He doesn't know me and soon I'll be a distant memory for him.

I decide to speak about something else.

-Tell me about your day ! What was that seaside shooting like ?

He gently explains how it was, to me who don't know anything about it : clothes fittings, makeup, hair styling, wait for evrythings tob e ready, laughs with his brothers. He tells me about funny anecdotes.

-You all get along well, you are really lucky.

-Yes, it's true.

-So, no girlfriends then ?

He bites his lip. His smile is gone.


-You told Suga that for him it was easy, but not for you and V, what does that mean ?

-You want to know everything, right ? He says with a provoking little smile.

-You don't have to tell me anything you don't want. No problem.

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