Chapter 23 : Piece of peace.

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Hoseok's red bag.

Chapter 23 : Piece of peace.


Hoseok leads me on the beach. We are alone with the moon. It's a little cold now, but there is no wind, no cloud. The moon is high and almost full. We walk hand in hand, in silence. This so comfortable silence that only belongs to those who understand each other with their hearts. We walk to the harbor jetty, then we sit on a bench, alone in the world.

I kiss my lover softly. He impressed me again as he settled the argument between Tae and Jimin, flexibly. I love him so much. We are all so lucky to have him in our lives.

-I love you, I tell him, looking him in the eye.

-I fall in love with you a little more every day, how do you do that ? I continue.

He laughs but I see he is moved. He hugs me and kisses my hair.

-I love you too Anna. You live entirely in my heart.

Hoseok speaks to me more and more often in French. He does really well, although some of his sentences are weird. He is so cute.

-You know it's a special day today ? I ask, casually.

-Really ? No, tell me.

-Two years ago, I was in the crowd at a concert in Busan. I was captivated by one of the seven singers, I only saw him. At the end of the concert, he came to see me and he changed my life.

I look at him, he hasn't changed of course, but now it's Hoseok and not J Hope who makes my heart melt.

- I'm teasing you... I remember it, of course, I will never forget your face in the crowd... And now that we have come this far, that we finally understand each other, that you are going to make your dream come true, that I am back to health... I would like us to go... further ?

I stare at him without understanding. He looks so serious all of a sudden, serious and emotional. His eyes are shining, as if he is going to cry. I'm scared then. What is he talking about ? I hate surprises. He takes a deep breath and puts his hand in his pocket. A small black box comes out.

-Anna, would you like to be my fiancée ?

I am amazed. My heart is going to explode.

-Anna, are you okay ? He resumes, frowning.

-Yes... yes, I whisper.

-Yes, you are okay or, yes, you want to ?

-Yes it's okay and yes I want !

His face lights up then, like daylight in the middle of the night. I take this sunburn without closing my eyes. He dazzles me so much that tears pop up to protect my eyes. Will I never get used to it ?

-Don't cry Anna, I'm so happy ! Look, it's for you, to be my fiancée.

I look down at the little box he's opening. A ring lays on the black velvet. It's a gold ring. Its rim is encrusted with small shiny stones. It is a simple ring, incredibly beautiful. Words fail me, as usual. I remain speechless, without moving, looking at it.

-You can take it Anna, it's for you. You like it ?

I look up at him and come back to the ring. I gently take it out of its case. It sparkles under the moon.

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