And the penny drops, or does it? (S.R x Fem!Reader)

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Summary: Team and Y/n are worried about Spencers mental state after he begins getting headaches

⚠︎ 'Corazon' spoilers, mention of Schizophrenia, psychotic breakdown, violence, self-harm, extreme state of distress, mention of brain tumours, hospitals, surgeries, psychosis and general angst.⚠︎︎

Growing up with a schizophrenic mother wasn't easy for Spencer Reid, he had to help her when she was going through her episodes.

He'd cook and clean and wake her up in the morning to make sure she didn't just sleep for the entire day.

However, no matter how much experience Spencer had with dealing with her episodes they were still very scary. Sometimes she'd be slightly chaotic, and when talking to him seem to be having by conversations with 12 other people that weren't there. Other times she'd be completely out of it and very distraught to the point where Spencer would consider calling an ambulance.

He never did. He knew what would happen if he called an ambulance on her.

And growing up, he had to live with the fact that due to her episodes, she'd often loose track of time. She rarely knew what day of the week it was or what time of day it was.

Sometimes she'd wake Spencer up at midnight telling him it was time for school, other times she would refuse to eat dinner because she had a 'lecture' to attend even though it was 7pm and she no longer worked.

Hé bad time keeping led to many missed birthdays and holidays. Sometimes if Spencer came home late she wouldn't even notice.

Despite this Spencer loved his mother, it wasn't like she was intentionally making his life slightly harder.

In fact Diana Reid was always interested in Spencer's life, and she'd dream about the man he'd become. She loved her son more than she could ever explain, she just struggled to be the parent when the voices in her head were to loud for her to manage.

Spencer  didn't mind, he'd do anything for his mother however watching what this disorder did to his mother had a huge effect on him, and ever since he was a little boy his one true fear was to end up with schizophrenia too.

Diana Reid had so much to offer to this world, she was intelligent, kind, assertive and more, but the disorder held her back.

Spencer Reid also has a lot to offer this world, he's similar to his mother, perhaps not as assertive, but his intelligence saves lives. He's braver than he gives himself credit for and has the potential to become a truly great man.

Aaron Hotchner pretended that Spencer Reid's unfortunate genetics wouldn't mean he'd lose out on a chance to work in the BAU, because there is a 50% chance Spencer won't get schizophrenia, but even Hotch feared for the young genius.

And ever since Diana's condition was shared with the rest of the team, everyone kept a close eye on Spencer. They didn't mean to, sometimes it was subconscious. Like an after thought that would fester in their minds for a couple of hours.

For example, sometimes Spencer talks to himself, which is completely normal and not something to worry about however, whenever someone on the team saw Spencer doing it their minds would wander to the young geniuses genetics.

And now that it's been explained you can probably understand why Spencer didn't want to tell his friends the truth about his mother, because he knew they'd start over thinking and pick up on every thing he did.

However over the years Spencer got used to it, and he got used to talking about it more, so when he met you at 26, he found it easy to tell you about it. In fact, he found it easy to talk to you (Period).

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