Can you accept me? - {Spencer X Non-binary!Reader}

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Summary: Reader comes out as non-binary. Fearing the team won't accept them, but most of all fearing their new relationship Spencer will fall apart now that they've been honest. 


It took a long time for you to reach this point, you always wanted to tell everyone but it was difficult for people to understand. 

But it truly did suck when people would refer to you by the pronouns that matched the gender you were assigned at birth and not what you identified as. 

Not that they were doing it on purpose, they didn't know, and even the people that did know slipped up sometimes, but that was completely ok. 

You had been on the team for 2 years now, and finally, you were ready to tell the team, you had faith in their love for you, that they wouldn't judge. 

The only thing you needed to do was wait for the right time to tell people. Luckily one night at the bar, the topic of sexuality came up when Emily was explaining how she liked both men and women. 

"I mean, I don't get why it's so hard for people to accept, women are hot, and so are men" Emily sighed sipping her drink. 

"Agreed" Penelope cheered. 

"What about... What about p-people who don't identify as a specific gender?" You questioned anxiously, as you gazed down at the rim of your glass. 

"What do you mean?" Spencer frowned. 

"W-Well did you know gender is technically a social construct-" You began. 

"But it's all to do with biology" Spencer cut it. 

"I wasn't finished... Uh- Sex is to do with biology, someone's sex is what they were given at birth, but gender isn't the same thing, gender is what people identify as, gender is a social construct because society like to group people..." You continued. 

"If you look like a girl and have the body parts of a girl, society gender you as female, but if you look like a boy and have the body parts of a boy, society genders you as male, but in truth, gender is whatever you identify as" You explained feeling your voice shake ever so slightly. 

"I'm confused" Rossi stated. 

"F-For example, I have the female body parts, because I was assigned female at birth, but I-I don't see myself as a woman... I-I don't see myself as a man either... I feel like I'm just in the middle." You mumbled. 

"Wait Y/n, are you trying to say you're non-binary?" Penelope asked softly. 

"I-I like they/them pronouns, and I like being a partner or a-a significant other, rather than the gendered name." You explained.

"Why didn't you say something sooner? We would've made sure we tailored to your needs." Derek said gently. 

"Because it's a complicated thing for people to explain, and people struggle to understand and it's scary and people who do accept it, p-panic when th-they slip up sometimes, but it's ok to mess up, and... I don't know... It was just not something I knew how to talk about." You rambled. 

"Y/n it's completely ok. We'll make sure we'll try to use the correct pronouns." Hotch smiled. 

"Thank you sir" you murmured. 

You didn't talk about it for the rest of the night, however, for the first time you felt a sense of euphoria when Penelope was telling a funny story about you how you fell off the curb on a drunk night out, and she used they/them pronouns for you. 

It was heart-warming to finally hear the people you love the most, use the pronouns you wanted.

"Hey, do you want to come back to mine so we can talk?" Spencer asked the team exited the bar. 

"O-Ok" you mumbled nervously. 

"Good" Spencer smiled. 

You dreaded the conversation you and Spencer were about to have. You were sure he was going to end things with you. 

You had a feeling you should have told him first, before telling the team, but having to say it once was hard enough, twice was terrifying. 

Fiddling anxiously with your fingers, you sat down next to him on his couch and took a deep shaky breath, wanting nothing more than to get this break-up over and done with so that you could leave and go cry yourself to sleep. 

"How long have you felt uncomfortable with the sex that was assigned to you at birth?" Spencer asked using the terminology he had picked up from you. 

"Ever since I was a kid, I never understood it... I know I'm not from the 1900s but throughout my life, I've only ever really known that the LGBT community was primarily lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender..." you began. 

"Recently, the name has been changed to LGBTQ+ which is accommodates to other sexualities and genders... Up until recently I never had a name for what was wrong with me, and I-I never considered other pronouns" you explained. 

"Firstly, there's nothing wrong with you, so don't call it that. Secondly, do you know you could've told me this sooner? I wouldn't have judged" Spencer whispered. 

"As I said to Derek, it wasn't something I found easy to talk about. And I'm sorry for throwing this on you, I just felt like I-I needed to b-be honest a-and-" your voice began to waver off as tears filled your eyes. 

"Hey it's ok" Spencer cut in cupping your cheeks. 
"I don't think I'll ever be able to understand how hard this was for you... But I want you to know that I am so proud of you... That I'm happy to have you as my partner, and nothing you have told me will change what I feel about you."

"Wait?... You're not gonna break up with me?" you sniffed. 

"Of course not... It's a change that I am going to have to learn to get used to but... I wouldn't say it was a negative change... It's just a change..." Spencer whispered.

"Personally, I think love is love, gender, and sexuality doesn't matter when it comes to who I want to be with because, at the end of the day, feelings are what matter," Spencer added. 

"You really mean that?" You asked as Spencer wiped the tears off your cheeks. 

"Of course I do... Y/n all I want in this world is for you to be happy" Spencer murmured leaning in a pressing his lips against yours. 

"So... You'd be ok with me wearing a binder, I don't wear one all the time, but sometimes when I get really bad dysphoria, I wear one." You explained. 

"That's completely ok, as long as the one you're wearing one that's safe... From what I know, some binders can cause the body  harm, if you haven't found one that doesn't hurt you yet, I'd be happy to research some good binders." Spencer pointed out. 

"I have a good one, my old binder used to cause bad chaffing, but this one is better" You replied. 

"Then I'm fine. I'm fine with anything you need to feel gender euphoria. Do you understand?" Spencer asked. 

"I do... Thank you" you whispered feeling such relief.

For the next few months, whenever Spencer wasn't at work, he was doing extensive research on what non-binary people like, what they didn't like. He would interview you all the time, creating an invisible list in his head for what makes you happy and what doesn't. 

He rarely slipped up with your pronouns thanks to his amazing mind, and the team were great too. 

You loved how accepting everyone was, and how much they tried to make you feel good... It was just another reminder of how much you loved these people. 


A/N: I hope you all like this one!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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