Drama-king? - (Spencer X Fem!Reader)

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TRIGGER WARNING: Pregnancy, mention of miscarriage, bad language.

Summary: Reader is 7 months pregnant. She wakes up with a fever and Spencer panics,

Requested by @mrs_house328 - "Maybe a one-shot where the reader is pregnant and she is not feeling well and Spencer is a bit overreacting?"


Pregnancy was hard, I mean special, definitely very special, but very, very hard.

The first trimester sucked because you had morning sickness, that crept up on you all hours of the day.

Luckily the morning sickness calmed down by the second trimester. However as the weeks went on the more you began to show the more pain your body was in, and the more exhausted you found yourself.

And now, here you are at the start of your third trimester, lying in bed with a headache and fever questioning why you were so willing to get pregnant in the first place.

You could have just adopted.

It would've saved you a lot of pain.

"Ok, maybe-- Maybe we should go to the hospital" Spencer mused pacing around the bedroom room.

"Spencer I'm fine... I just need to sleep" You yawned rolling around to find a comfortable position to lie in.

"Open your mouth" Spencer instructed, picking up the thermometer from the bedside table.

"Spence you took my temperature 2 minutes ago" you sighed covering your face with a pillow.

"Y/n open wide!" Spencer exclaimed tearfully.

"Ugh" you groaned pulling the pillow away and opening your mouth.

Spencer popped the thermometer under your tongue and waited for the 3 high-pitched beeps.

"99.5 °F" Spencer read out loud.
"That's almost at a hundred"

"Spencer that's fine, pregnant women tend to be a little warmer because of hormones" you pointed out.

"Actually health guidelines say a temperature of 102.2 °F could be too much for the baby" Spencer pointed out.

"But I'm not at 102.2 °F, I'm at 99.5 °F. Is that a little high? Yes. But is it something we should worry about? No" You sighed pinching the bridge of your nose.

"Why are you so calm about this?!" Spencer asked angrily.

"Because my head hurts too much to panic" you murmured rubbing your temples.

"Oh my god! Are you delirious?! Is that why you're not panicking?!" Spencer questioned.

"No, Spence I'm not delirious" You sighed.
"I'm just not a drama king"

"I'm not a drama king. I'm just careful, you're pregnant, you're delicate" Spencer pointed out.

"I swear to god!" you exclaimed angrily.

"Y/n you don't get it! You could be miscarrying" Spencer panicked.

"Spencer!" You snapped.
"Don't tell me I could be miscarrying! Now I'm panicking you dick!"

"I'm sorry" Spencer exclaimed shaking his hands hysterically.
"But I'm panicking!"

"Well fuck you! I'm the one carrying the fucking baby! And you decide to make me panic by saying I could be miscarrying! I swear to god, if you don't take me to the hospital in the next 5 minutes I will murder you!" You shouted angrily.

Spencer Reid one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now