Begins with fire

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A young girl watches the sunset through her window, daydreaming. She looks to her right as she sees three roses in one pot and sees them healthy; looks to her left and sees two of her roses dead and the other seemingly fighting for its life. She was quite surprised as she took very good care of her flowers and tended to them quite often. She snaps out from her daydreaming as she hears her door open and she quickly turns her head to see a young man standing at her doorway smiling.

"Come on Princess Kai you need to get ready, it's almost time for your sister's ceremony. And I don't feel like having my ears chewed out by Londen." He giggles a little and smiles warmly as he walks up to her.

"I'm already done actually! And stop calling me "Princess Kai", your my brother even it's not my blood!" She punches him on his stomach playfully.

"Oh my Princess I am but a Soldier who just so happens to have been adopted by a royal family, that doesn't mean I can slack off on my duties.

"Your duty is to protect the royal family, not act as though you are below us." She smiles.

"Hm, I suppose that is true. But if I may ask you a question..." he waits for her to permit him to speak.

"Of course you can ask me a question, you don't have to ask for permission!"

"Well...if you finished getting dressed why aren't you down in the Entress and talking with the townsfolks?" He tilted his head still smiling but of confusion.

"'s because I have this weird feeling in my heart that I know something bad is going to happen tonight. I-I guess I'm just nervous, that's all..." she looks down then behind herself look through the window again. "Another thing is that my roses aren't doing too well, er, at least three of them are and the rest are dying. I don't even know how because I treat them the same!" She sighs. "I don't know, ok...?"

The man was silent for a while but then kneels to Kai's height while putting his hand on her shoulder. "Look I know it won't be easy because everything is going to end up changing. Elizabeth is going to become queen and will be busier now, I'm going into battle camp to become a knight, Londen and Johnathan will be studying hard to figure out ways to help more people, but just because we're busy doesn't mean you can't come to us! No matter how busy we may be, we will always have time for you. Even besides flowers just die if they have a little too much water, and that feeling you have is just stress, nothing is going to happen I promise, ok?" he smiles sweetly trying to reassure her.

Kai sighs and smiles back. "Ya, I think you're right; thanks Garroth." she hugs him tightly.

"Whoa now! I don't need my bones broken before the party!" he laughs while picking Kai up and swinging her around playfully. He puts her down and grabs her hand. "Now, let's go downstairs. We don't need our ears talked off because of Londen."

They walk out of the room and down the stairs. Once they see the bottom of the staircase they see a purple foot tapping the floor rather fast. When they stop walking they were face to face with a rather angry-looking wolf lady with a tall and thin boy standing behind her.

"What was taking you two so long to get down here?! The celebration is about to begin any second, you two could have missed the crowning! Do you not understand how serious this is?!" steam can be seen coming from the wolf's nose.

"Ever so sorry Miss Londen, but we are almost late, which means we're still on time. Can't be too mad at us now, can you?" Garroth smugly smiles.

Londen takes a big deep breath. "I suppose that is true..." she puts her fingers in-between her glabella. "Let's just go, we don't want to be later than we already are."

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