The aftermath

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Kai woke up and sits up quickly. She looks all around herself, trying to figure out where she was. It was a completely blank white room. No trees, no ground, and there wasn't even a smell to this place. She stands up and tries to call out for someone, but whenever she tried to, nothing came out. She starts to panic and tries to scream louder, but still, nothing came out. She starts to walk forward but it didn't even feel like she was moving because everything was the same no matter where she looked or walked. That was until she saw a dark shadowy figure getting bigger as she steps forward.

It wasn't like anything she had seen before, but from what the tales Ms. Londen told her it looked like a species of some type of demon. The first thing that was noticeable was it's height, taller than any tree Kai had seen, perhaps it could have been two trees tall but she couldn't tell. It bore four sets of horns, all sharp to a point and looked could cut her skin easily. She looked the thing up and down and noticed what appeared to be ink falling from its body and the creature had no legs, only a puddle of ink where they should have been. However none of that could compare to when that demon turned its head to reveal nothing but lava where it's eyes were, and for the first time Kai felt something, the heat. But it wasn't warm and welcoming, no it was harsh and brutal, and she could feel herself melting in pain. It smiled at her with its big sharp teeth, it's way of welcoming her but Kai was terrified knowing that thing could eat and swallow her in only one bite. Kai shivered looking at the monster before her as it began to speak.

"Princess Kai Anna, what a pleasure to finally meet you...! ...But if I'm being honest right now, I was not expecting it to be so soon, especially on your sister's ceremony; Elizabeth was it now...?"

The voice was deep but piercing to Kai's ears, it took long pauses in between each sentence and spoke with a almost playful tone. She wanted to run but she was simply frozen in fear, it was her first time ever seeing a demon after all.

"You might be wondering who I am, however I cannot tell you my name. It has been long forgotten throughout the lands and any who speaks of it gets struck by the Stars themselves. Rest assured however I am here to help you save your sister..."

Kai tried to speak, pushing away the fear she had and ask it for some answers, but nothing was coming out. It lends closer to her face showing her all its blank emotions it has.

"Child you are foolish if you think I would let you speak, this is my domain and children like you should learn to keep quiet."

Kai looked terrified placing a hand over her heart and turning her body at an angle, trying desperately to get as far as she possibly could with the fear still holding her anchored in place. The demon stood up with its smile never fading from its lips and swiftly turned its whole body.

"If you will excuse me, I am a very busy person and don't have the time to waste on children on you yet. So long princess." It slowly began to walk away, leaving Kai behind.

Kai stood standing there for a few seconds before she realized that this thing was the only way she could get any information as to where she was. So began her chase of the demon, however no matter how fast she ran it somehow walked faster. Despite Kai knowing the thing was walking and she was running, she couldn't catch up. She tried screaming at the thing to come back and talk but nothing would come out of her mouth. Then everything slowly started to fade, she continues running until all she could see was pitch black but could hear something.

"! Ka- na... Kai Anna! Princess Kai Anna wake up please!"

Kai gasped for air as she quickly sat up. She looked around trying to see if that thing was still around but noticed that the area she was in was no longer empty. Then she felt the grass underneath her hands as she gently grazed them. She looks forward and sees Londen's big yellow eyes causing her to jump back a little.

Poet, Soldier, and a Princess. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang