Mud pal

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"Kai what the hell!"

"Oh, my stars, Garroth!" Kai rushes over to him and helps him up. "Are you ok? I thought you were someone else a-and that I was being kidnapped! I'm so sorry! She hugs him tightly.

"...It's fine, that would have been the right thing to do in that situation so I can't really blame you." He pats her head.

Londen walks to Garroth and Kai putting her hands on their shoulders. "Are you two ok? I heard someone scream?"

"Ya, Kai just kicked me in the face we're fine." Garroth said sarcastically pushing her hand off of him. "We should continue walking." He began to walk away

Londen looked hurt and wanted to say something but only shook her head and shortly started to follow him. Kai looked between the two of them horrified by what just happened, this was so unusual Garroth was never that rude. Once she processed everything she followed the others with a heavy heart. It was dark and chilling with the dim moonlight as their only way for them to see. Once in a while, they would hear strange noises from either the animals living in the forest or the sticks they would occasionally step on. Garroth kept his hand on the handle of his sword prepared to fight. Londen looked down at the small book she always kept on herself reading something and would sometimes mumble to herself. Kai was looking straight at the others ahead of her trying to not get separated from the two, though it was hard considering her legs were shorter than the others. Kai hugged herself due to the coldness and it didn't help that there was a breeze that would threaten to almost push her over at times. She then heard a barely noticeable squeak coming from ahead of her. She looks up and sees not only Garroth but Londen in ankle-high mud.

"Garroth, it would have been nice to have a little warning." She snarl at him before picking her foot up, "Geez it's all over my paws!"

"Maybe if you would wear some type of boots this wouldn't be happening!" Garroth snarled back, rolling his eyes and continued walking.

"Um, what about me?" Kai tilted her head.

Garroth turned his head to look at the poor girl. Unlike Londen, she had a dress in which would prove walking difficult in this situation. With a heavy sigh he walked over to her and bent down for her to get on his back. Once settled he began walking and noticed Londen struggling to take a step with the most disgusted look plastered on her face. Garroth took joy in giving Londen a small light rough nudge that forced her forward. He could hear her scolding him as he quickly made his way through the mud with an innocent smile on his face. As they continued to walk, they slowly started to realize how much more difficult it was to walk thanks to the mud growing in height and was now up to their knees

"Where did all this mud come from anyways?! Literally, a few seconds ago it was just to our ankles!" Londen whined.

"Oh come on Ms. London, it's not all too bad, maybe it'll end in a little while!" Kai smiles trying her best to keep everyone positive.

"You're one to talk dear, you're being carried around not even touching it." she looks very unimpressed but smiled anyways.

"Shush you two I think I hear someone in the distance."

As Garroth inch closer to some nearby trees, he could make out some type of figure out in the middle of the mud. Once behind some trees he could fully make out what he saw, a girl. Though it was only her back, he could tell she had been out in the woods for years with her clothes and hair messily fixed.

"Maybe I should come out more often... the moon shines so bright tonight..." the young girl appeared to be talking to something however whatever it was Garroth couldn't see anything else.

Poet, Soldier, and a Princess. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora