Dark Horse!

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Dark Horse - Katy Perry *with replaced words*

"Oh, na na na na na!" Jade began with a small smile at Kit who was staring at her.

"Yeah, you know what it is... Jade Evans, Blaise Zabini... Uh-huh, let's rage!" Blaise sang, but Jade thought he looked odd saying his own name.

"I knew you were... You were gonna come to me..." Jade sang only standing up after casting a spell to get the pano to play on its own.

"And here you are... But you better choose carefully..." She sang smirking as everyone seemed to crawl out of their sleeping bags.

"'Cause I-I am capable of anything... Of anything and everything..." she sang summoning green non-harmful smoke in her hand.

"Make me your Aphrodite... Make me your one and only..." She sang with a smirk as she began to play with the smoke.

"But don't... make me your enemy... your enemy... your enemy... So you wanna play with magic..." She sang quite playfully till she said the word 'enemy' where her tone and eyes went as sharp as a knife. Towards the end, she threw the smoke in her hand at Ron who was still in his sleeping bag chatting with Harry and Hermione. As soon as it hit it turned into a liquid.

"Boy, you should know whatcha falling for... Baby do you dare to do this... 'Cause I'm coming atcha like a dark horse..." She sang smirking but trying not to laugh as she watched Hermione and Harry use their wands to try drying Ron.

"Are you ready for, ready for... A perfect storm, a perfect storm..." She sang changing the liquid that fell over his head into a storm cloud that moved from Ron to Percy who was talking with nearly headless Nick.

"'Cause once you're mine, once you're mine..." She sang watching as a few students laughed.

"There's no going back..." Blaise sang in a deep voice.

"Mark my words... This love will make you levitate..." Jade sang as she waved her hand and the cloud along with the water all disappeared as if it were never there.

"Like a bird... Like a bird without a cage... But down to earth... If you choose to walk away... don't walk away... It's in the palm of your hand now baby..." She sang with a smile in a sweet tone.

"It's a yes or no, no maybe... So just be sure before you give it all to me... all to me... give it all to me..." She sang with a thoughtful expression as she briefly thought about turning Ginny Weasley into a clown for the next part but then shook her head as another idea came to mind.

"So you wanna play with magic... Boy, you should know whatcha falling for..." She sang but once she said 'Magic' all the girls began to glow like fireflies for five seconds.

"Baby do you dare to do this... 'Cause I'm coming atcha like a dark horse..." She smiled as she sang when she realised how happy she'd made most of them feel.

"Are you ready for, ready for... A perfect storm... a perfect storm... 'Cause once you're mine, once you're mine..." She sang as Kit decided to jump off the piano.

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