Best I can!

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She couldn't find the words to express how happy and grateful she felt, so she openly hugged him in front of anyone who could see. At first, he wanted to hug her back, but then he remembered he had an image to uphold. While he, Draco, and Severus knew she was of pure blood most of those around them thought she was a half-blood, so he stood still with a blank face. She eventually let go and, while she was a little disappointed he didn't hug her back she was way too happy to be bothered by it at that moment and made her way down to the field. 

As she made her way down, she eventually found Draco, Crabbe, and Goyale and smacked each of them on the backs of their heads. But before she could lecture them about what they'd done Snape stopped her saying he'd already lectured them. "Fine I'll leave them be, but I still think it was incredibly stupid." She said as she gave Draco a half-hearted glare and walked out to meet Dumbledore in the center of the field.

With Lucius

Lucius waited about twenty minutes before Dumbledore arrived in the center to announce the Gryffindors the winners. "...and Miss Jade Evans has a song she'd like to sing in honor of the winning team," Dumbledore announced as Jade walked up to him. Jade then took out her wand and pointed it at herself and cast a non-verbal spell on herself that allowed everyone to easily hear her. "Actually, since I hardly know all Gryffindors... I will be singing for only two of you." 

Lucius couldn't see her face as she was facing towards the stands where the Gryffindors sat but assumed she was smiling or smirking knowing she was supposed to sing for the whole team. Dumbledore almost frowned until she said the names of the two she was singing for then had a look of almost curiosity on his face as he walked away. "The song is called; Best I can..." Jade said just before she transfigured several things around her into instruments that played themselves including the new piano Lucius had given her.

~~With Jade~~

The piano began to play itself for a solid five seconds before Jade opened her mouth and began to sing. "Tonight I feel like the world won't miss me... So much to say but there's no one listening... If we're alone are we all together in that..."

"I threw a penny in a well for wishing... Prayed for all the things I think I'm missing" She sang while looking at her feet.

"A little time is all I really need... I am doing the best I can with everything I am" She sang as she looked up into the stands scanning the crowd for either Neville or Hermione.

"Don't you know nobody's perfect..." She sang as her eyes finally landed on Hermione.

"Do you understand how hard I'm try-ing... to... do... The best I can" She sang with a bright smile.

"The best I ca-a-an..." She repeated before turning to face the direction of her house members during the five-second instrumental.

"A second chance to give you something... It takes a lifetime to come from nothing..." She sang as her eyes found Lucius and Draco.

"I refuse to run away, no!" She sang, practically shouting 'no' and spun on her heel to face the Gryffindors once again.

"I am doing the best I can with everything I am... Don't you know nobody's perfect" She sang as her eyes began looking for Neville.

"Do you understand how hard I'm try-ing for you" She sang with a slight frown as she scanned her eyes through the crowd of Gryffindors and still didn't find him.

I'm Still Standing!~ Book 3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora