Guide Note 1: Young

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Zhang Zhehan's POV:

Loving you was young.

Though I felt as if I was just merely one year older than you, you made me feel younger than I truly am.

Do you remember when we met for the very first time, the table reading and your sleight of hand.

You were that plain white shirt and a captivating smile. At first, we were sitting far apart, you introduced your name and quietly, I whispered under my breath how good it was to say (not in a sexual context or whatsoever). Then the directors told you to move closer to me and that was the very first time I felt adrenaline rush through me in a span of seconds and I thought to myself that (is it too bad and early to say that I wanted you near me... what am I even thinking?¿), so I just let out a smile.

We had to do the scene wherein you had to touch my cheeks and honestly as I felt your soft and gentle hands caress and make contact with my cheeks, I couldn't help but feel tingles of electricity running down my spine.

We finished our reading for the day and that was the moment wherein you asked politely if you could have my number (of course the shy bean that I was hesitant at first, but gave in).

When we bid our goodbyes and I was beyond happy, you made me feel younger now (well, to be fair I wasn't that old, but people did treat me like I was the veteran Senior).

I wish that we could go back to the start and forget about everything for a while, but we couldn't...

I'll be waiting.

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