Not Really A Guide Note, But A Note : Wasn't

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Zhang Zhehan's POV:

As I look past my diary, I realized how much he meant to me, all the laughter, the joy, the happiness, and tears, are memories which I would hold onto until the day I die.

As I stand here today, on his grave, I still vow to be with him and stay with him as much as I can. He has saved my life and left without any more pain.

When he had jumped over me and made me dodge the bullet that went straight to his heart, was the day that I felt my whole world collapse apart.

As I ran towards him whilst the guards capture the shooter, he has spoken the words "I love you" and "You're beautiful.", the phrases I could never forget. Ever.

Loving him never had consequences which are bad, in fact they were all good in a sense that the relationship has changed me for the better, no scratch that, he has changed me for the better.

Maybe it wasn't us that was the problem, maybe it was society. For their judgements, and closed minded mindset which set fire towards the flames of pain and misery.

I was holding up our kid gently, that he never got to meet, but I know that he's watching over us, protecting us from heaven.

I promised that I would raise our child together, with the same love that he made me feel, and keep him safe no matter what happens.

The day he got shot and I fell into the pit of unconsciousness, was the day I learned that I could bear a child, how I wish I could have told him that we have a baby boy, which I named after him (and looks like him too).

I would never love anyone else rather than him, his name is Gong Jun my soulmate, my light, my protector, and my husband.

I made a vow that I'll always be here, and I know deep inside that he is here,in my heart always.

I love him always and forever.


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