Guide Note 6: Safe and Sound

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Zhang Zhehan's POV:

Loving you was safe and sound.

In a manner that I felt as if you were my protection, my protector, my light, and my barrier.

As we lay in bed towards the nightfall, your snores are music to my ears, your gentle touches make every single pain, nightmare, and fear from my body disappear.

With your mere light touch of hand, all the imprints of the horrors from my past, are suddenly replaced with the overflow of love and the blossoming future.

Remember when you took all the blame and protected me from those who wanted to taint my name?, how you ever so confidently stated that I was the person that made you happy, and how much I brought over towards the entertainment industry only to be treated like trash.

I'd always be by your side, scared and anxious as we walked down the streets, and you would not even for a minute decide to wrap your arms around me, to keep me calm.

You guide me each day and give me the fuel that I need to keep going with my passion, and I know for a fact that you would never leave me.

Come back to me, please.

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