Chapter 1

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A young girl named Izzy lived by the sea in a distant land. This place was abundant with fish and brimming with water, where the cawing of seagulls filled the air as they swooped over ships casting their nets to catch fish. Shouts of men could be heard as they rushed to maintain order and ensure no catch was lost. The year was 1810, and Izzy, a 12-year-old girl with soft blonde hair and eyes resembling the sea, resided in this place. Her attire included the brightest green dress, a white apron, pink shoes, and curly white socks.

Unbeknownst to her, the young lady was about to embark on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. She resided in the city of Estermore, which was located in Ethia, a country in Spio Shurg. Her residence was a small house surrounded by mountains and flowers at the back of Estermore. Its pastel colors made it stand out from afar. Her mother, Ekho, was calling out to her in a loud and boisterous voice for dinner, accompanied by the clanging of the dinner bell that also signaled the end of the workday for field and sea laborers. Izzy's mother was the most stunning mother she had ever seen. She had brown hair, brown eyes, and rosy cheeks from cooking at home. She wore a brown dress, a white apron with flour dust, black shoes, and purple socks. Izzy's mouth began to water at the thought of her mother's delicious food, prompting her to rush to her mother's call, exclaiming, "Mother, I'm coming!"

Upon reaching the house, Izzy attempted to enter, but Ekho halted her, noticing the dirt on her dress. "Izzy, you've dirtied your dress again. How many times have I reminded you to be cautious when you're outside?" Ekho instructed her daughter to go inside, wash her hands, and prepare to set the table as the men would arrive shortly. "You're almost a woman now, Izzy, and I've been trying to teach you this," Ekho added, her voice dripping with love and kindness. Izzy responded apologetically, "I'm sorry, Mother. I'll clean up right away and set the table."

Izzy hurriedly made her way inside and poured water from the pitcher into a bowl on the washstand. She snatched the towel from the rail and quickly scrubbed her face and arms clean. Afterward, she went over to the table and whistled a tune that was familiar to her country as she collected cups, plates, and silverware from the china cabinet. She also retrieved some napkins and lit the lantern, as daylight was starting to dwindle. Footsteps could be heard outside as all the men made their way toward the house.

As Izzy waited for the men to arrive, she heard footsteps she hadn't heard in a long time. The sound caused her heart to race with excitement, and she almost tripped over herself as she hurriedly made her way out of the dining room towards the front door. "DADDDDDY, is that really you!" she shouted as she leaped into her father's arms, overjoyed to see him home after being away at sea for so long. Doxah, her father, chuckled and patted her on the head before replying, "Yes, it's me. Now let me greet your mother as well."

Izzy's mother let out a gentle sigh and spoke to Izzy in a soft tone, "Izzy, my dear, you know we have talked about this. I understand that you are thrilled to see your father, but as a young lady, it's important to have proper manners and conduct yourself with grace." With that, she turned to her husband and warmly welcomed him, saying, "Welcome home, my love. Won't you come inside? Dinner is ready, and you've arrived just in time." Doxah nodded in acknowledgment and replied, "Do we have enough food for the crew? I know we've arrived earlier than expected." To which Ekho replied reassuringly, "Don't worry, my dear. I always make sure to prepare extra in case you all decide to surprise us. Let's not waste any time, come in and join us for dinner. Tell us all about your two years at sea." With that, she headed back to the kitchen and instructed the servants to bring out the dishes she had prepared for the feast.

They all gather around the table. You can hear all the men talking excitedly about being back home and bits and pieces of the adventures they had gone on while out at sea. Doxah said, "Let us thank the Lord Jesus for this wonderful meal before we eat, shall we." He instructed his men to bow their heads and began to pray, "Father, we come to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior. We praise you for allowing us to come back home safe from the sea—the sea you have made for us. We thank you for this time spent with family, and we thank you for this meal we are about to partake in as a family. We ask you to bless our next journey with safe travel, and we ask you to bless this food. Amen. You all may eat." Ekho echoed his amen and nodded at Izzy to begin to eat. The men grab food from the table and put it on their plates. Bread and meats, anything you can dream of, were available. It was a fine meal indeed.

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