Chapter 3

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Ekho and Izzy got to the festival in Darwetton just in time to see all the rides being set up. Master Miles was not far behind them. Ekho drives her car to the festival site, where they sell cakes, compete in competitions, and host the petting zoo. Izzy was starting to get excited about all the great things she would be doing here. There were so many people that you could hardly drive the wagon to the entrance to unload. Ekho said to Izzy, "Wait in the wagon while I unload everything. I don't want you to run away without me knowing. There are so many strange people here. Izzy nodded to Ekho. "I will, Mom." She said. Izzy's eyes landed on all the games she could play. She was overjoyed inside and getting nervous.

Ekho stopped in front of the baking hall. She pulled the brake between herself and Izzy, and they slowly came to a stop. Ekho opens her car door and said, "Now I'm serious, don't leave the car. Please listen to me this time, ok. Izzy looks at her mother anxiously, "Could I help you instead? I'm getting older now. I could do something instead of just sitting here." Ekho looks at Izzy, "I suppose I can only let it happen this once, but stay off my feet and make sure you follow my instructions." Screaming with delight, Izzy immediately gets out and follows her mother to the back of the van.

Ekho opens the hatch to the carrier and pulls down a flight of stairs so they can climb into the carrier. "Over here are some light boxes. These contain some of my cakes, so please be careful. When you pick these up, you need to take them to the baking hall, and there should be a table with my name on it. After you turn them in, you need to come right back here. Do you understand, Izzy, dear?" Echo asked.

Izzy nods her head; she walks over and proceeds to pick up one of the boxes. She goes down the stairs and goes into the baking hall. Izzy ambles past all the people doing what she is doing. She goes up the stairs into the bakery, and an elderly gentleman holds the door open for people entering the hall. Izzy entered a room so big you couldn't see the other end. Izzy looked around and saw someone wave her down.

It was Phaerille Pagella, her mother's best friend. They've known each other all their lives. Phaerille had straight black hair and hazel eyes that looked like they could see right through you. "Izzy, over here. You can put the box right here with the others." She said. Phaerille wore a white jacket with a black shirt underneath, and she wore black pants. Izzy saw her mother and several others following her. Everyone in the baking hall helps each other when they come.

Ekho smiled as soon as she saw Phaerille, "It's so nice to see you again after so many months. she asked as she hugged Phaerille. "Oh, I've done this and that. Actually, not much. What about you?" Phaerille asked back. Echo smiled. Knowing Phaerille so well, she expected to ask her back in a moment. "Well, Doxah will be back for a month, I hope maybe two. So I'm glad about that. He'll fix a few things. He said he had some cargo to sell, and then he'll be heading out again." Phaerille smiled. "I'm glad to hear you're seeing him again. I know how much you miss him when he's gone Phaerille looked at Izzy and said, "It's so nice to see you. You've grown so much since I saw you last. Izzy smiles at Phaerille, "I'm glad to see you too. Izzy turns to Ekho: "May I go now?"

Ekho nods and says, "But be careful and pay attention to where and what you do." Izzy nods and jumps away. Phaerille says to Ekho, "She's starting to look just like your mother." Ekho nods in agreement. "Let's unwrap these cakes and put them on the table. Some are for sale, and some are for competition." Phaerille walks around the table to immediately help Ekho.

Izzy leaves the baking hall. She stops and looks around. Izzy can see the pony rides that Master Miles has set up for everyone. In the distance, she sees the car speeding. She sees people getting ready for the concert that was scheduled for that night. However, the last person she wanted to see was Ashtin Wils, but there he was with his bright red, tousled hair and green eyes. He looked like he slept in his clothes. How could her mother think of setting her up with him? Izzy ducked behind a group of people and headed in the opposite direction, hoping he didn't see her. She ran straight to the animal hall.

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